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The employees of the rose technology company have a blind admiration for their Jane and Bo.

President Jian returned from studying abroad at the age of twenty-five and founded this technology company. Relying on the wealth of funds at home and his own ability, he has built the company in two or three years.

At the age of 27, their President Bai also completed his Ph.D., and at a young age, he has made small achievements in the field of omega drug research.

So with the financial support of President Jian, President Bai found the seniors and mentors of the college and persuaded them to set up the most advanced omega pheromone immunological drug laboratory in China.

Because Rose’s pharmaceutical principle is “to reduce the physical harm to omega, fully enhance the autonomy of omega’s choice, and give omega better working and living conditions”, this principle is in line with today’s international policy trends, so the government also grants A lot of discounts, convenience and technical support.

Not to mention the fathers of President Jian and President Bai, one is rich and the other is expensive.

Therefore, Rose Technology Co., Ltd., within a few years, has become the most dynamic emerging company in the industry, and President Jian and President Bai have also become upstarts.

Still handsome upstart thief.

Because Bai always belongs to the core technology shareholder, most of the time he stays in the laboratory in a white coat, so his external image is rather mysterious.

Most people think that he should be a man of high coldness and abstinence, with the high and indifferent genius used to.

Mr. Jane is different. Mr. Jane, as a well-known omega, has been selected as one of the top ten young richest people in China for three consecutive years. He often attends major events. He is beautiful and outstanding. He is the living signature of Rose.

——Omega, it can indeed be very powerful.

So apart from product advantages, Rose’s omega drug sales will naturally be much better than other peers.

If it's just a simple young and promising omega, it's fine, but it looks good. Although it has passed its thirtieth birthday, the upright youth still has the strength, slender and thin body, and delicate features. The skin is delicate, and every time a suit appears, I can’t help but look at that waist, legs, and small face.

So that Mr. Jian is clearly the president of a technology company. Whenever he goes to a financial magazine, he is like a fashion magazine with a small idol, and countless small fans rush to buy it.

As for the personality of Mr. Jian himself, some people say that he is a bit young and frivolous, and some people say that it is high spirits, but since the establishment of the company for several years, he has never made impulsive or wrong choices.

The media once interviewed him and asked him if he was born to be a young man, he smiled and said, no, I used to be a very impulsive person, and many things my lover taught me.

That kind of calm and self-confidence, and undisguised pride, satisfy most people's love illusions about the "young boss".

Coupled with the wedding ring that Mr. Jane never took off on any occasion, the love story of the two bosses of the Rose company once became a legend.

What the outside world does not know is that every year the company will donate a lot of medicines and funds to war zones and poverty-stricken areas.

Good-looking, excellent, talented, kind, good-natured, and low-key.

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