Chapter 6: Romeo and Juliet

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After rehearsal ended that day, Liam waited by the door for her. Sienna originally didn't want to talk to him but she felt like there were a few things she needed to clear up to him.

"I don't owe you an explanation, but I didn't want to drag Mia into this," Sienna glared at him while talking, hoping to express her dislike for the boy more clearly. Liam looked hurt for a second by the look in Sienna's eyes. But for Sienna, seeing that hurtfulness didn't satisfy her, in fact, she was even more sad and even angry at herself when she saw.

"Mia's not dating Owen, nor am I. We just like to joke around," Sienna saw Liam raise an eyebrow.

"What about that kiss?" Liam asked, not at all convinced. Sienna resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the boy.

"I don't know if you've been living under a rock since everyone was supposed to get the cast list a long time ago. They're literally practicing for the play," Liam didn't reply but Sienna didn't wait for one anyways. She owed him nothing at this point. Her revenge had been done. It didn't really bring her any happiness of some sort so there's really no use continuing.

Just like the relationship between the two.

There's no use continuing.


After taking a day or two off from the play as Oliver requested of her, Amelia felt much better. Owen went to check up on them on the second day, also bringing them some food. By the time the next rehearsal came, Amelia was fully ready for it.

"Mia! How're you?" the director greeted with a friendly pat on the shoulder. Amelia explained how she was much better and was surprised to learn from the director that after the incident, the director was planning on going to have a talk with Liam, but the boy came to the director first and requested to quit. The director only planned on having the boy stay home and rest for a few days before coming back, thinking the latter had too much negative emotions to be objective enough to work in the play, but Liam insisted on quitting.

Amelia told Sienna about the news soon after but the girl looked terrible, with bags under her eyes and red eyes. Adding on to the puffiness, Amelia could tell what happened, but didn't ask. Things were slowly getting back to normal, or as normal as they can get anyways.


On the night of their opening night, Oliver got Amelia a huge bouquet of baby's breath. The colorful flowers sat on her dressing table in her resting room, besides a card that said, "break a leg!"

Amelia smiled as she took a look at the flowers one last time before changing into her costume. The lined velvet tulle dress was in a light yellow color and hugged her figures nicely. She put on her white shoes and clipped her hair up the way the costume designer had told her. Her dress flowed beneath her as she changed into character and walked onstage.

And then the show began.


Oliver watched in the back where the music and lights staff were. He wore a white dress shirt with a grey suit vest and matching grey pants. His grey suit jacket hung on the chair before the huge control panel.

An odd feeling rose in his stomach as he watched the two interact with each other. Romeo took Juliet's hand and kissed her knuckles. Oliver mindlessly played with the ends of a piece of tape that was placed on the control board for labeling. The director stood beside him, shook his head with a smile. He pointed to the tape and one of his assistants got the hint and got out a new piece of labeling tape to replace the one Oliver tore off.

"Poor boy, he's in love," the director whispered to one of the assistants, who giggled in response. Oliver obviously overheard, it wasn't a very large space after all, and his face turned red. Completely red.

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