Chapter 2: Senior Year

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Amelia arrived at the school with Oliver later than usual. Being late on first day of school, nevertheless of senior year, isn't something they preferred to do, but for some reason both Amelia and Oliver overslept this morning. Walking down the halls with their backpacks, they each greeted other friends as they pass by them in the hallway, the voice of the new student council president and vice president on the announcements.

"You two usually late today. What, had a late night?" Sienna wiggled her eyebrows, earning a glare from the other black haired girl.

"Sienna, no," Amelia replied. Oliver chuckled as he gathered his things from his locker not too far from them. Liam stood by him.

"What, not walking with your girlfriend this morning?" Oliver joked. Liam's ears turned slightly red at the term. "Tell me you're not still getting flustered at the fact that Sienna is your girlfriend. Hasn't it been over a year or something?"

"Oh shush. At least I have the courage to make her my girlfriend. How long have you and Mia been flirting now? Hasn't it almost been a year too?" Liam teased. Oliver closed his locker a little too loudly.

"Fine. You win," Oliver started walking. "To what do I have the pleasure to steal you from your daily walks with Sienna today?"

"Why are you two still only flirting? Of all the people, I would've expected you two to be the first to get together without hesitation," Liam asked.Oliver shrugged.

"She didn't really talk about it after she kissed me that one day. I figured she didn't want to, or maybe she wasn't sure of her feelings or something," Oliver admitted, making sure to keep his voice on the lower side. At first, the question bothered him for a while too. He wanted to give her a title, but the conversation had always been avoided every time he bought it up and eventually he just stopped bringing it up.

"So you guys have been flirting ever since?" Liam asked, almost not believing him. But this was the dense Oliver and Amelia they were talking about. Everyone else could see that they had chemistry and probably feelings for each other too. Everyone but themselves.

"I flirted in a more joking way once and she took it well. I don't do it all the time, but I haven't stopped," Oliver said, a soft look in his eyes. There was always this soft look in his eyes every time he talked about Amelia with everyone else. Heck, the look is there when he's talking to Amelia too.

"You two sure have been helpless and will continue being helpless, won't you," Liam sighed, one of his hands squeezed the bridge of his nose, feeling a small headache. Oliver chuckled but didn't say anything.


"Aren't you going to walk with your boyfriend?" Amelia asked and raised an eyebrow. Sienna giggled.

"You sound as if I've been ignoring you since I started dating him," Sienna replied. They laughed it off, knowing that it was far from the truth. If anything, since they got together, the two girls got closer since the four of them are always out together.

"I can't believe we're going to be 18 soon," Sienna smiled.

"It's weird how fast time passes. You know how Ollie's older brother went back to England for college?" Amelia asked. Sienna's eyes widened.

"I don't know why but I never realized that he was British. But lover boy isn't, is he?"

"They're step-brothers. Owen was adopted," they step into the library since they had study hall first period. "Owen's coming back this school year as an exchange student with Cafnal University,"

"That should be fun. Didn't he used to flirt with you?" Sienna smiled. "Someone's probably gonna get jealous again,"

"I wouldn't call it flirting really, just harmless jokes," Amelia grabbed a copy of Romeo and Juliet off the shelves. Sienna giggled.

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