Chapter 7:- Late Night Visit.

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Words- 6964.

Song:- the goo goo dolls iris.

Cains P.O.V

Do you think she's okay?

Do you think she's happy?

In pain?

Do you think she's peaceful.


Your probably wondering who I'm talking about right?

F*cking Freya that's who?!

My little duchess has been on my mind none stop.

That much so I could have sworn I saw her at my match earlier.

Which is stupid, right?

Because someone as beautiful and smart as her would never be caught in a place like this.

With a guy like me.

Yet I could have swarn I saw her! God that guy must have really sparked me slightly.

I turned off my TV and lean back on the sofa, letting out a big sigh.

I was damaged and not a single part of me is good.

I didn't deserve someone like her but neither day Caleb.

She is everything that is good in this world and I knew for a fact I could not let my darkness get to her otherwise the world as we know it would end.

I could live knowing she was living a life full of love and happiness.

What I can't live with is knowing she's with him.

I knew I couldn't have her, but that doesn't mean I couldnt teach her how she should be treated.

I can teach her how a real man should act, how they would act for a beauty like her.

But first I need to actually see the damage that's been done to know how much I have to fix.

I know Caleb's hurt her, I can feel it and not to mention the bruises i saw at the bar.

I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is happening to her and I'm never wrong about these feelings.

My eyes jump over to my window as a flash lights up my whole apartment, moments later it was followed by a loud crash before the sky opened up completely and rain began to pore down.

The storm outside was coming alive more and more, yet all I could still think about was Freya and the fact the club was alive after the fight about someone called 'little rock star'.

I've heard that name a million times before, back when I was first starting out as a fighter our founder used to come to the ring every day and bring his daughter with him.

She was a hit with everyone, they say no one belonged here more then her. This crazy, loud sticky place was her home and the men and women inside were her family.

How the founder went missing years ago and his daughter has never been seen since.

Which is why I'm confused as to why the sudden sighting plus who this women could be.

Flashbacks of the first time I met that girl, a girl like no other...expect now she feels so familiar.

Like I've seen her, the image of the girls face pops into my head and I tried my best to think of how she could be now.

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