Chapter 5:- Breaking Point

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Words:- 3325.

Song- never enough by Lucy Thomas

(biggest credit to Lucy Thomas who sings this cover, you have angelic voice and this was the best version I have heard!)

Freya's P.O.V

'because if I can't have you Freya, I'll make sure no other cunt can'

His words play over in my mind as I apply make up to cover the now forming black eye and bruised cheek.

As for the rest of my body, God did I hurt. I felt like I was in one of them rings my pa used to take me to watch.

Me, pa and my uncle every Thursday night, going to watch a fighting match.

Others would say it was not appropriate, however I loved it.

I felt tears in my eyes, is this what I deserve?

I closed my eyes for a second.

Despite how desperate I was to forget last night, it just wasn't possible.

I had to push my pain aside because I needed this money.

My plan was clear, I need the money to leave, to get far away.

'the offer still stands, you deserve so much more then what your getting. And one day someone will offer you the universe when you've only been giving the plant, I want-the offer stands princess. When your willing to accept it, my door will always be open for you'

It seemed he was right, my money he gave back to me did go in handy.

For makeup to help cover the state of my face the best I could.

I could feel his lips on mine still almost as clear as I could feel the bruises and cuts.

I have never had anyone make me feel the way he does, but something in me keeps asking.

Do I deserve to be treated like that?
The bar was in full swing, I didn't tell my uncle I arrived; I knew what my job was.

"Joe, table 3 and 6 has not been served yet. can you sort that?" he nodded and happy ran off looking stressed.

"Cindy, the two tables over there look like their about to lose their shit! And if my uncle loses customers you lose your payslip" I shout, pointing at the two tables near the window.

She nodded and quickly ran over to them.

"Am I glad that you arrived on your white horse to save the day as you always do, my darlin" my uncles voice rang from behind me.

He always sounded like a right geeza, I guess that's why my pa liked him.

For some reason he always seemed closer to ma sometimes.

A big smile takes over my face as I turn to look at him, I watch his huge smile fade and emotions I know to well enter his eyes.

He pulled me to the side, behind the bar so no one can hear.

He grabbed my chin in between his fingers and turned my head slightly.

"what the f*ck happened? Who did that to you?" he let go of my chin and paced.

My Boyfriends Brother (Book 1 Of The My Series) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now