Chapter 5

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"Hi and welcome to Louise's Pâtisserie! What can I get for you today?" the cashier asks.

"One chocolate and strawberry croissant, please," I say, "and half a dozen pistachio macaroons, please." I needed to get Charlie something; he always works very hard.

"Ok, you got it! Are these for here or to go?"

"I'll have the croissant for here and the macaroons to go," I say.

I go to take a seat; this has always been my favorite bakery; although the croissants were never perfect, they were still the best in town.

"Here you are," the waitress said, placing the dessert down. "Enjoy!"

As soon as she leaves, I quickly bite into the croissant, letting all the flavors come back to me like old memories.

As I get to the chocolate and strawberry filling, I quickly take a bite. "Holy shit."


"How can I help you, sir?" the waitress asks.

"Who made this croissant?" I ask sharply.

"Oh, one of our best bakers did! Did you enjoy it?" the waitress replies.

"Bring me the baker who made this right now," I demand.

Sir, is everything OK? "Is there something wrong-"

"Just bring them, please."

Ok, right away, sir," the waitress says and walks away.

There was something special about this croissant: it was sweet but not excessively sweet; the strawberries were fresh, like farmers market fresh; and the chocolate seemed handmade.

The croissant itself was soft, but it had a crunchy outer coating with a faint butter flavor when bit into.

All of these flavors dancing around in my mouth were enough to make me want to speak with the baker.

I'd like to know how they did it and how well they did it.

I only knew one person who could bake the greatest croissants in my life, and these croissants tasted precisely like hers.

I needed to get to know the baker as soon as possible. How could they make it exactly like hers?

"Sir, here are the women who made the croissant."

I looked up in shock.

"No fucking way" I whisper under my breath.

I know i left it at a cliffhanger!! but don't worry because the next chapter is going to be so so interesting!!

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