Chapter 2

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As I wobbled my way up the gigantic staircase, I looked behind to see the crowd.

All those people were dancing around and having the time of their lives, while I was struggling to climb a flight of stairs. I should definitely go to the gym more.

Walking up and down the hallways of this mansion was terrifying. Every door I passed, led to a darker hallway.

I couldn't help but notice this one specific door, which wasn't closed like the rest of the doors. "It must mean there is somebody in there," I think to myself.

I keep walking down the hallway until I reach the bathroom; oh my god, this bathroom was magnificent; it had granite tiles all over the floor and was a pearly white color; it made me feel special.

I quickly walked over to the sink to take my medications and briskly checked myself out in the mirror. I never knew I was this charming until I looked at myself in this mirror.

As I walked down the familiar hallway I pass the same open door; I was so curious to see what was in there, so naturally, I went in.

The moment I stepped in, I immediately noticed a huge painting that had a picture of a mature-looking woman with long black hair; she was staring down at a younger boy who had a enormous smile on his face.

"Aww, that's so cute," I think to myself. After getting a good look at the beautiful painting, I walked around the room some more.

Everything in this room was so luxurious; from the books to the pencil holder, it looked designer.

While I was busy looking around, I was too distracted to notice that a mysterious figure was staring at me through the door.

"What are you doing in here?" the voice boomed.

I quickly turned to look at the figure. A look of shock suddenly covered my face. This was the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes upon.

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