Chapter 1

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I can't believe I let Tressie drag me into this party, I mean if I'm being honest parties aren't really my thing; the loud music, drinking, and drugs weren't really my cup of tea.

"You looks so hot Aly" Tressa smirks.

"Tressie! You can't say that!" I yelp.

But Tressie was right, I looked amazing.

But Tressie was right, I looked amazing

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Her dress

As we parked our car near this party Tressie was taking us to, I looked at all the big mansions.

The farther we walked down the street, the bigger and brighter the houses were—that is, until we reached the house where the party was being held.

The exterior of this house was magnificent; it was a nice white mansion with what looked like a hotel.

The windows were arched with an elegant frame that looked like it was made by the Greek gods, and the door was huge and had a sort of medieval appearance to it.

While I was distracted admiring this house, Tressie was making her way to the entrance. "Tressie, wait up!" I yell.

That was one thing about me that I really needed to fix—distractions. I was always distracted, no matter how hard I tried not to be, my curiosity always got the best of me.

"This party is going to be crazy," Tressie said.
"Yeah," I whisper. If I'm being honest, I was really nervous.

I didn't want anything bad to happen to me, let alone have anyone touch me. After what happened years ago, I don't think I would ever be able to feel comfortable around people, especially men.

As we walked in, Tressie automatically walked over to the bar. Tressie loved margaritas, most likely due to her salt addiction; I, on the other hand, did not drink.

Probably cause I was too young, but I also hated the strong taste of it.It always made my heart feel super hot and my throat itchy, so I just stuck to apple juice.

"One blue margarita, please," Tressie asks.

"And for the lady?" the bartender responds.

"Apple juice," I say. It was really nothing to be ashamed of; everyone drank apple juice.

"Haha, okay," the bartender chuckles.

After a while of dancing and partying I was extremely tired. I was starting to feel dizzy which probably meant it was time for me to take my medication.

I wobbled my way over to my handbag and lazily opened the bag to get the medication out. From there I made my way up the stairs.

Ahhhh omg omg I can't believe I wrote my first chapterrr!! I really hope yall enjoyed and if you hv any questions feel free to askk.

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