Honeymoon to hawaii

12 4 0

Star PoV
I can't believe we are married we are the most happiest women in the world nothing could compare to what we have now. Right now we are checking into are hotel in Hawaii l. Yes that right we are in Hawaii for are honeymoon. Once we have settled into are room we go to the pool its massive.

Sophie PoV
We are in Hawaii I am so excited I really love it hear. It's nice and hot. Right now me and my sis are heading toward the pool.

Justin pov
I am so happy I have married the most beautiful girl in the hole wide world. I couldn't ask for anything better then this right her

Hayes PoV
I am so happy that we are in Hawaii as a family. This is truly the best family i could ever have. I couldn't ask for anything better then this. right now me and Justin are going to join the girls in the pool.

6mintues later still Hayes PoV
It getting really late so we all go out of the pool and get something to eat from the hotel restaurant. Once we finished eating we decided to go into the girl room to have a movie night.

Half way through the the movie I get a call from Nash
Phone convo h=Hayes N=Nash
H: I what up big bro
N:nothing just calling to see if you and your friends what to joins us on Magcon again
H:sure I will let we would love to
N: cool ok bye
H: wait when is it
N: next week
H: ok see you there bye

Once I got off the phone with Nash I told everybody the good new they said that they were really excited to do madcon again."when is it"Justin said. Next week "ok". Once we talked about we all packed for the trip now so we don't rush next week.

Once we finished packing we all went to bed. I really excited for this trip and I am so happy I am spending the rest of my life these guys

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