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After Henry had brought her into the house and sat her on an armchair, Ash crouched in front of her.

"What's happening to her?" asked Henry in a strangled voice, his eyes never leaving Athena who sat shaking and gripping her head as she mumbled under her breath, her eyes distant.

"Panic attack," muttered Ash, gently grabbing her arm but she jerked away, letting out a cry.

She was sweating and shivering at the same time and Henry, who had seen Isaac's and Blake's panic attacks before, felt triggered. It was never that severe. Or maybe it was just because of who was experiencing it.

Emmet had enough sense to take Maddie upstairs and distract her with Cameron. Blake was still out screaming at the delivery guy along with Lucas and Oliver. Isaac was standing behind Ash, worried.

It took Ash a little over twenty minutes to calm Athena down through breathing methods, her oxygen tank and some soothing words.

However, she still looked pretty shaken up and she startled every time any of them would get close to touch her.

When she felt quite fine to at least walk, she ignored them all and walked up the stairs and to her room, feeling dreadful to ruin their night.

She took a long shower, inflicting even more harm on her thighs.


She woke up early the next morning, getting ready to buy everyone Christmas presents, despite not really wanting to celebrate.

She figured the Henry and his friends were leaving soon so she thought that she'd at least give them something.

And it took her mind off things.

So she roamed the mall, buying everyone something she thought they would like.

Henry: a few bandanas and an expensive set of perfume, body lotion and shower gel.

Isaac: a mug filled with different chocolate bars.

Emmet: two new books that seemed to fit his likings.

Blake: a bottle of champagne with her fake ID.

Then she remembered the other band and groaned.

She got Lucas a guitar strap with a unique pattern, Oliver a new set of drumsticks and their fancy bag, Cameron a mug similar to Isaac's and Ash a pair of trainers.

Then she got Will a pair of new boots and a bottle of perfume, Maddie a huge Christmas themed teddy bear and her mother a set of plates, cups and cutlery.

Her heart ached when she passed the comic book section. It was what she would've gotten Christophe. But what was the point of buying them to a corpse now?

She bought a bouquet of black dahlias to take to Chris's grave later that night and bought Macy a Designer handbag and a bouquet of roses.

After that, she got a tray of Christmas cookies and caught a cab.

She thanked the driver and tipped him generously, setting the presents under the Christmas tree that the boys had set up.

She walked up to her room and fell to her bed, closing her eyes tiredly.

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