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Lucy used her connections to be able to reach out to Zeref. She deeply hoped that her brother-in-law would actually be able to be on their side.

Zeref's experience as an immortal black mage is helpful for the final fight, they all knew that.

However, she also knew that Zeref's power was not to be underestimated. He had a reputation for being one of the most dangerous and feared mages in all of Earthland.

Despite the risks, Lucy knew that they needed Zeref's help if they were going to defeat the final boss. Zeref is a good person underneath that curse. It was one of the reason Mavis married the guy.

That, and Natsu has been missing his older brother. It took a week for the stubborn man to respond, she was about to hunt him down.

Lucy arranged a meeting with Zeref in a secluded area, away from prying eyes. She explained the situation to him and implored him to help them.

"What is it for me?" He asked, "Look, Lucy, you maybe my sister-in-law, but you have to remember that my curse will be a problem,"

Lucy stared at him for a few moments then laughed, "It's not a probably, I reached out to the Elders from the North. There is a magic artifact that could hold the curse in,"

She presented a black bracelet. The magical bracelet that Lucy presented to Zeref was an intricately crafted piece of jewelry, made of black metal with silver runes etched into its surface. The runes were a powerful magic spell that was designed to contain the Curse of Ankhseram, preventing it from causing any harm to the wearer or those around them.

The bracelet was enchanted by the Elders from the North, who were renowned for their mastery of ancient magic. They imbued the bracelet with a combination of protection and suppression spells, making it one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence.

Zeref examined the bracelet with interest. "I've never seen anything like this before," he said, "How does it work?"

Lucy explained the details of the magic artifact to Zeref. She told him that the bracelet would contain the curse and prevent it from causing any harm. Zeref was impressed with the craftsmanship of the bracelet and agreed to wear it.

The bracelet was designed to be worn on the wrist, and it fit snugly around Zeref's arm. Once he had put it on, he could feel the power of the curse being contained within the bracelet. He felt a sense of relief knowing that he could now use his full power without risking harm to those around him.

The bracelet also had a unique feature that allowed it to adapt to the user's magical energy. As Zeref's magic changed and grew, the bracelet would adjust its own magic to match, ensuring that the suppression spell remained effective.

Overall, the magical bracelet was a masterpiece of ancient magic, designed specifically to suppress the Curse of Ankhseram. It was the one artifact that Zeref never knew in the original timeline.

"Thank you, Lucy," Zeref said, "I appreciate your efforts to help me."

Lucy smiled. "Anything for family," she said.

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