"Medici! Where have you been hiding?" Francesco greeted. 

"Careful, Francesco," Giuliano answered, "You don't want to pick a fight without your thugs around to do the actual fighting."

"The finals will put the Medici against the Pazzi," Francesco answered, predicting the outcome of the tournament, "First you will ride against my brother, and I came to with you good luck, actually... you're going to need it."

"Hmm," Giuliano answered, his face clad with skeptical amusement. He watched as Francesco walked away with a smile. 

Y/N then overheard Lorenzo saying to Giuliano. "You know he's going to try and kill you, don't you? He was last year's champion."

Y/N then tuned the conversation out, as she saw Giuliano and Guglielmo mounting their horses and getting into position. She checked her amour once more, and turned to see Leo detaching satchels from their horses -- the final stage of preparation. 

Y/N heard the announcer call for the two men to ready themselves, and Y/N mounted her horse for a better view of the match. The crowd cheered louder as the two approached, securing their helmets and sheilds. The horn sounded, and they approached -- each hitting the other, but neither falling. It was a draw. 

With that, Y/N galloped into her position, followed by her brother on foot. It would be her turn now. 

"Y/N de Farnese and Giovanni de Pallono, ready yourselves!" The announcer called. Y/N pulled her helmet over her head, securing it and closing it. Leo helped her put on her shield, and then handed her the jousting stick.

"Remember, Leaf," Leo called up to her, speaking over the crowd that was unanimously cheering against her, "Show them the ways of the Farnese!"

Y/N nodded, approaching the track. She could see her competitor at the other end, a rather short fellow. Suddenly, all her anxiety dissipated as the horn sounded, and she approached with speed on Nike's back. She hit the opposer in the center of his shield, and help her lance there, pushing him off his horseback. He tumbled into the dirt, causing silence to permeate through the crowd as Y/N stopped her horse, and lifted her helmet off her head. 

Finally, she raised a fist in the air, and the women of the crowd erupted in cheers, soon followed by the men. They began to speak rumor of her being an Amazonian, or the reincarnation of Artemis. Suddenly, her name caught on through the spectators, and it was no longer in a negative light. 

She trotted back to her tent, handing Leo her shield and lance before swinging off the horse and giving her brother a hug. 

"You were incredible!" He told her, "Now, help me onto my horse." 

The two siblings again approached the track, now with roles reversed as Y/N helped him secure his shield and handed him his jousting stick.

"Brother!" She called up, catching his attention, "Dom't embarrass me out there!" 

With that, the horn sounded and she stepped back, watching as her brother ran through his competition, causing the poor man to fly off his horse. Y/N smiled with pride at her brother. 

The tournament commenced as such, and Y/N was told to dual again. Her next competitor was Leonardo, who had already beat off two other men. 

Lorenzo went to help Leo get ready, and Y/N looked around for someone to assist her, before finally running over to the crowd and grabbing Sandro by the sleeve. 

"Sandro! Quickly!" She yelled, forcing her friend to run beside her to her horse. She jumped onto Nike and threw her helmet on, motioning for Sandro to hand her the shield. He did, and secured it on her, and then handed her the lance. "Stay here," Y/N instructed him, readying herself as she saw her brother straightening himself out from across the field. 

The horn sounded, and each approached with speed and determination. Each landed a perfect blow on the other, resulting in each falling off their saddle. Luckily, however, Y/N had managed to hold onto Nike's reigns and keep her legs wrapped around the horses's torso, and pulled herself back onto the horse without ever touching the ground. 

In a bizzare fashion, she claimed victory, and quickly leapt off her horse and threw her gear and helmet off,l running to her brother's side. He was struggling to get up.

"Leo! Are you alright?"

"Been better," He responded between breaths, "You knocked the air out of my lungs!" 

The two laughed as Y/N helped him up, allowing him to use her as a crutch as they made it back to their tent. Y/N left him on a chair, before running back to her horse and supplies, bringing them to her tent as well. 

When she returned, a physician was beside her un-armored brother, listening to him breath and feeding him large amounts of water and tea. 

"Will he be alright?" Y/N asked the doctor.

"Absolutely," The man responded, "Just some rest will do him fine."

Y/N nodded, and kissed her brother's head, "You gave them Hell while you could, Leo. I promise, I'll win that silver helmet."

"I have no doubt," He responded, "Go on, then -- I think you're going against Francesco next."

Y/N nodded, aware that the tournament was coming to a close and she was in the final three competitors. She went back out, and greeted Sandro, who was ready to help her prepare once more. 

"So, exactly how much do you stand to make if I win?" Y/N asked him, jumping up on Nike. 

"Enough to purchase a magnificent home," He answered with a smile, "So don't mess this up for me, Y/N."

"I wouldn't dare, Sandro!" 

The two went to the track once more, and readied her. She saw Francesco being readied by his brother down the field, and for a moment, it seemed that they held eye contact. Y/N almost, for a moment, considered throwing their match to preserve whatever relationship they had -- but the thought died with the ideals of pride and honor her father had instilled in her. She had to win this tournament, because it was the only way to prove to others what her father saw in her. 

So, when the trumpet sounded, she was ready to bring him down -- until she heard a snap, and she was falling. 

Farnese. (Francesco Pazzi x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن