Wtf are you doing!?

Start from the beginning

"Good. Max, form the circle. And Tul, you prepare the necessities."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" They said in unison causing Mew to snort in annoyance. But isn't he one? Why snorting?

Mew pulled me towards the swivel by the desk, pulling me onto his lap while we wait for the two guys finish their job. I watched Tul gathering some crystals along with a few tiny bottles that I have no idea what the uses are, before giving them to Max. The already red circle got even brighter once Tul put down everything, and they nodded their head at us. Mew tapped my waist softly, instructing me to stand up. I followed his order, letting myself get pulled towards the shining circle.

"You might want to close your eyes, it can get a bit nauseating for a first-timer," Tul said, smiling softly at me. I nodded my head at him, thanking him with a small smile. Mew pulled me towards him, hiding my face on his chest. I felt a powerful breeze hit my body, giving me a slight nausea feeling. Mew's grip tightened around me, reassuring me that everything is fine. I don't dare to open my eyes, keeping them shut before further instruction.

"We're here. You can open your eyes now," I slowly peeled my eyes open, blinking them a few times before pulling my head from Mew's chest.

My jaws immediately hit the floor and my eyes widen in amazement.

It wasn't like I thought it would be. Like, at all.
I pictured hell as a world where everything is red and flame-y, hot and just... not great.
But this... is amazing. It doesn't look scary at all. It's just like a normal world.
Not all red, not flame-y, not hot, just overall great and normal.

I watched our surrounding, taking a mental note that this is the real hell. We were surrounded by mountains with ice on top, the place was a bit chilly but it was still okay.

Behind us was a huge ass gate, one that looks like at Mew's mansion, but much bigger. And in front of us is a long-ass path that leads to I have no idea where.

I turned to my right, seeing the three of them are already looking at me, watching me in amusement. Their wings were spread open, but what caught my attention was the colour. It's white.

"Your wings!"

"Oh, um about that... I forgot to tell you that when you come down here, the royal blood's wings gonna change to white instead of their usual black." Mew said, chuckling timidly while scratching his neck.

"You two are royal blood?!"

"Eh uh... yes, why?" Tul asked, looking at me confusedly.

"Oh my god, I'm surrounded by royal blood!"

"You're one yourself, what's the problem?" Max asked, Tul nodding along.

"I am?"

"Dude, you're Lucifer's son! The king's son, what are you talking about?" Tul said, laughing his ass off afterwards. I thought since I was half-and-half I wouldn't be one, but I'm still one? Woah...

"Guys, stop attacking him. He still needs time to adjust to some shit after all. C'mon, he's waiting."

"Can we fly?" I asked Mew with my big caramel eyes, I was hoping we could now that we're down here.

"Sure, but you don't even know how?"

"I have you. I'll be just fine, right?"

"Right, open it then."

I did as tell and frankly, it obeyed my wish much faster than before. My white wings spread widely behind my back, contrasting my outfit for the day.

"Hold my hand, and just follow me." I nodded at him, quickly putting my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. He flapped his wings and suddenly we were off of the ground. I shrieked loudly, holding onto his hand for dear life.

"Geez, Mew, warn a guy would you?"

"If I did, you would be too nervous and we would end up walking instead of flying"

"Err... right," I mumbled sheepishly.

"Alright now, relax your muscles and think as if you were wings, what would you do to make them keep flapping and fly high in the sky. Connect your mind, your back and your wings, and you should be fine,"

"Okay, I'll try."

I tried to combine all three and soon, it just works on its own. I smiled triumphantly, looking up at Mew with so much excitement.


"Catch me if I fall,"

"Will do, princess. You got nothing to worry about,"

I smiled once more to him, before slowly untangling our hands. I pushed myself forwards and just go with the wind. It feels so nice to be off of the ground, flying so high like I'm a free little bird. I twisted my body experimentally, and surprisingly I didn't lose my balance and fall. I happily fly faster, twirling and swinging side to side, making the other three laughed at how childish I am.

Mew caught up quickly, flying just right beside me. He grabbed my hand in his again, smiling so wide that I thought it might break his face. He pointed to our left and I took that as a sign to turn left. We flew hand-in-hand, a wide smile plastered on our faces. Tul and Max were right behind us and they were smiling too. I waved at them, making them chuckled a tiny bit but waved back nevertheless.

"Alright, slow down. The house is down there and we have to slowly land our self if we don't want any injuries." Mew said and I instantly panic.

"M- Mew, I don't- I don't know h-"

"Hey, hey, calm down. You have me, remember? You'll be just fine."

"But-but how do I- how do I-"

"Bii, chill okay? You're the brain of the wings, they follow your order, just tell them so and you'll be just fine,"

"O- okay..."

"Alright, now we go down,"

"That sounds so wrong..."

"Not the time, babe..."

"Ehe..." I stupidly grinned at him, making him shake his head with a fond smile. I bet he was internally face palming, hahaha...

We lowered ourselves back to the ground, and thankfully I landed just fine on my two clumsy feet. No scratch that, I almost fell but Mew caught me. I'm a clumsy lil thing, what do you expect?

I smiled dumbly at him, before pecking him on the lips. I mumbled a small thank you and then pulled away slowly. Again, I was stood in front of a huge ass gate. This is much bigger than Mew's, but not bigger than the hell's gate, so like in between those two. The guards opened the door quickly, letting us in as the six of them take a curtsy.

Much like Mew's mansion, the front is basically the same (if not wider). Mew's hand was wrapped securely around my waist as we made our way to the door at the far end of the pavement. Tul and Max seem to be in their own bubble, giggling while sharing sweet words. They're together, I guess?

The front door swung open, revealing tons of maids. They all greeted us with the same 'evening, your royal highnesses', head bow courteously.

"You're not going to whack me again, are you?"

"No, I expected this. You're fine," I said, smiling at how nervous he looks. A wave of relief washed over his face once I said that, making him grin from ear to ear. Yeah, he definitely is something else.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, really abruptly, a female creature ran towards Mew, flinging herself onto his arm while planting her lips on his harshly. My jaw goes slack, watching the scene in front of me unfolding.

Mew pushed the bitch off of him, a sharp glare on his eyes. His jaw was clenched while he wipes his lips furiously.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Kissing you?"

"You're not and will never be allowed to do that, ever!"

"But I'm your fiancé?"

"What, FIANCÉ?"

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