Highway to hell

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"Then why would we go there? Did you kidnapped my dad and hide him in your house or something?"

"I would be dead in a heartbeat if I did that,"

"Then whyyy..."

"You'll see, yeah? Just sit your pretty ass down and worry about nothing,"


"No need to be grumpy, Bii,"

"But you won't tell me! And last time you didn't tell me shit, I ended up finding out the fact that I'm not a human, but half-and-half blood."

"I swear, this time I won't drop shit like that again, just calm down,"


"Yes, Gulf."

"You called me Gulf!"

"Geez, babe, are you being for real?"

"Say it!"

"I promised, Bii. For fuck sakes, how stubborn could you get?"

"Usually? Worse than this, I just love you a tad bit too much that I tone down my stubbornness."

"Geez, glad to know that" He snickered, faking a glare at me that just make me grin widely.

I hummed to a random tune, smiling to myself at the feeling of being so content. Mew glanced at me, smiling just as wide when he saw how happy I am.

"Why don't you sing it out loud? I would love to hear you sing,"


"Of course, love. If I don't know any better, I would've mistaken you for that Thai pop star, what's his name again?"

"Uh? Which one?"

"You know, the one who sings something about being serious,"

"Ohhh, he's hot though, I don't mind."

"You're hotter, babe. Now sing, c'monnn"

"Fine, let's pray that I won't bleed your ears out."

"I'm sure my ears would be just fine, if not blessed already," He winked at me, causing my cheeks to turn pinkish.

"Home, you are my home... when you're here, I feel like home~"

"You count hell as your home now?"

"Eh? Dunno, it just past in my head so I sing it out,"

"I swear, Bii, if you go back to sing at the bar, you'll get recognise real fast. With that voice of yours, it'll be easy," I shrugged my shoulder at him, continued to hum to the tune. I haven't found the lyrics yet, but I love the tune.

"We're here," He said, stopping his car in front of a huge ass gate. My jaw dropped in shock, eyeing the extremely tall gate in front of me.

"You live here?"

"Hm," He said, before rolling down his window. I saw him tapping his thumb into a (what seems like) fingerprint machine, and then a loud beep was heard before the gate pulled open. My eyes wide in amazement as my jaw permanently planted on the floor. Extensive garden sprawled on our right and left, while a huge mansion stood at the far end of the driveway.

Mew swiftly drove his car inside, parking it right in front of sets of stairs that led to a huge ass door.

"Mew, what the fuck?"

"What do you mean 'what the fuck'?"

"Why didn't you tell me you live in a huge ass mansion? I feel so out of place, for fuck sakes!"

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