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I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I sat in the make up chair.

"Stop rubbing your eyes Nong or else it will be red and it will show in your pictures later."

"Sorry Phi, I'm just so tired. I only slept at 2am and had to wake up at 5 today."

My manager patted my head comfortingly but told me to stop it before it became worse. I chuckled as I got an ice pack to place over my eyes instead. A little while later, I heard my manager call out to me, wanting to introduce the new make up artist that has been assigned to me. As I took away my ice pack, I heard my manager say that this make up artist was quite popular in the agency and that I was lucky to have gotten him and that he will be attached to me for the year.

I nodded and stood up to greet the make up artist. But words failed me as I came face to face with Yo. I was quite stunned to see him since our fall out in University over Pha. Both of us had fallen for Pha but Pha eventually chose Yo. I was petty then and couldn't take it and had fought terribly with Yo calling him several names and we had fallen out, never to speak again.

It's been 7 years since then and I was stunned to see Yo as we had never moved in the same circles after that, consciously making sure of that. Yo took off his glasses and was stunned to see me too but held his composure better. He just waiied to me and turned to my manager querying if this was indeed the model he was attached to. My manager nodded cheerfully and told us to get ourselves acquainted and told Yo to get me ready by 9am for the casting call.

Yo nodded and looked at me. I was still in shock. Yo asked me to sit down so that he could get started on me. I sat down but I was wondering why him of all people and how come we met after so many years. I heard that he and Pha even got married but after 2 years I didn't keep track anymore and never knew what happened.

I sat down and he started on my face, politely checking if I had any allergies or preferences and etc. I just answered mechanically. I looked towards his ring finger but found no wedding ring.

"I thought you were married?!"

Yo looked at me, shocked by my outburst. He just kept quiet for a while before finally responding in a soft voice, "I'm not."

I looked at Yo whose eyes had hardened after that question and he kept solely focused on the make up. I decided to keep quiet knowing another question and I would make Yo flip. I knew him well enough for that. It was a quiet process but Yo was a hard worker who got me ready quickly.

As I studied my make up, I have to admit Yo had a talent for bringing the best out of me naturally. I looked stunning and I was floored too.

I went for my casting call and nailed the job. After that, I had back to back shoots and Yo was there faithfully doing the touch ups for me. By the time we ended, it was close to 1am. I took a quick shower and changed out, into a shirt and jeans and left only to find Yo getting into a car. He drove away without a 2nd glance at me.

7 years later and Yo was driving?! Thought he always hated driving. I didn't say anything as I drove back to my own apartment. Surprisingly, I saw Yo's car parked 2 doors down at this landed property. I saw him getting out and going towards the gate only to be greeted by a 5 year old who he was nagging away at for being up till so late!

Well it was almost 2am so even I was stunned to see 2 things. Firstly Yo with a kid and secondly, darn kid was still awake at 2am?!

What the fuck was going on?! Just how much had changed in the last 7 years since Yo and I last spoke?

[Author's Note: a little piece dedicated to ShanaeDobbs ; let's see how it takes off!]

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