They are Gone, and Here I Must Remain

Start from the beginning

Commander Park leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. "That doesn't seem very morally sound, does it?" he asked, talking in a baby-like manner to mock them. "You see them as the enemy, but they're nothing more than people trying to survive. Every time they've hurt you, it's been self-defense because you're attacking them."

"I'd say that's better than decapitating a fleeing man."

Park lit up, his face filling with amusement as he sat back. "So you admit you're not as high and mighty as you think, hm? I remember watching the rebellion bomb the walls of the Emperor's castle just five months ago. The bodies I buried that day almost killed your rebellion, didn't it? That's the only reason why you're accepting me: your rebellion is gone."

"We don't have many members left," Hoseok mumbled.

"Ah yes, give up vital information to the enemy, why don't you?" Y/n asked with a huff. "Even if he's telling the truth, there's no guarantee he won't sell us out to protect himself if it comes down to it."

"I would," Park interrupted. When they glared at him, he grinned until his eyes crinkled. "I'd sell you out in a heartbeat."

"Then what's the point?"

"The day of the bombing," Park said, his face draining itself of any amusement. "I didn't just bury rebellion members. I buried guards. If I was even a second later, I would've buried the Emperor, too. Your rebellion has potential. I'm as loyal to the Emperor as I am to you. If I see the war turning in your direction, I'd sell out the Emperor. Other way around, I sell out you. The way I see it, I'm your best chance at winning. Think of it like a symbiotic relationship. I help you build your rebellion, you help me get my freedom. And if the rebellion wins and becomes the new rulers of New Theon, you'll give me a full pardon for my service to the Emperor. And the guards who got dragged into this."

Y/n hesitated, almost as if the words were spinning around her mind. Her eyes seemed to part from their sockets as she expanded them. Hoseok had his body tightly wound together, like he was cowering behind her, his hands fiddling together.

"You care about them?" she asked.

"No. But if I'm going to do this rebellion bullshit, I think it's your morals that say we should protect the innocent manipulated by the Emperor." Park trailed off, licking his lips and lapping off the last few drops of alcohol that were left there. "Right?"

Y/n glanced at Hoseok, who had bags under his eyes and a hanging head. "Right," she answered, drawing her gaze back to Park. "I still don't get why you're doing this."

Park tapped his stub of a finger against his sword's handle. "You don't need to trust or believe me. All you have to do is accept me."

"And if we don't, you'll kill us?" she asked, but she said it like it was fact.

"If you don't turn down the attitude, I might kill you anyway, sweetheart."

"Don't," Hoseok muttered before Y/n could engage. "Just show him one of the empty rooms. Not like there's any shortage of those."

Hoseok crept away, Jungkook peeking between the group before Y/n huffed and gave in. She approached Commander Park, who quirked a brow at her narrowed eyes.

"These people are my family since you took my real one away. Don't you dare touch them-"

"Or what?" he asked, coming a bit closer. He glanced at her lips, then back to her. "The last time I got this close to you, it didn't work out so well for you." Despite his words, she kept her head raised and her jaw clenched. "Here's my advice: sit down, shut the fuck up, and accept what I'm offering. I tried being nice, but maybe it's time I make myself clear, hm? You either accept my offer, or I turn you in to the Emperor. You want to know why I'm doing this? It's because I like life. I like living. All I'm doing is making sure that no matter who wins, I'm the one standing in the middle of it all."

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