12- pranks

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Wednesday November 22,1976
Gryffindor Table, Great Hall

remus, sirius, peter, marlene, lily, and mary sat at the table confused

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remus, sirius, peter, marlene, lily, and mary sat at the table confused. after first class, they couldn't find the blonde girl or brunette boy when they met outside of defense against the dark arts, which they all have together. then at lunch the 2 still remained no where to be found. they had yet to go back to their dorms, opting to wait in the common room for the 2 to magically show up. the 3 marauders frustrated they had left the map with james, we're progressively getting more confused as to where the pair could be. now, at dinner with no one in sight.

when a tall boy with glasses walked in, looking frustrated, the group was even more confused than when they started.

'well, where the hell have you been? had us worried sick, you did? and phoebe, where is she?' sirius dramatically asked as james sat down, quite intensely.

'why the fuck would i know where she is?' he scoffed out

'um, because you two have been missing since this morning?' remus said with an attitude pointing his knife at james

'yeah, i want answers potter!' marlene said in her thick scottish accent standing up slightly in her seat before the ginger girl next to her pulled her back down slightly.

'what we're asking potter is we haven't seen you or phoebe since you left for your first class. you also seem to be frustrated and we just want to know what's going on.' mary said being the only one getting her thoughts across

'yeah!' marlene said, before she could add anything else lily shoved a piece of bread in her mouth, muffling whatever was to come next.

before anything could be asked or answered a blonde walked through the ginormous double doors walking slowly to the table a look in her eyes that said 'don't ask'

she walked up to the table where her friends sat and rolled her eyes stopping slightly when the only seat left was next to james.

she sat down making sure not to touch him from where the table showed her elbow and up.

little did they know their pinkies were intertwined beside them.

the group then erupted in questions and comments,

'where the FUCK have you been'

'you missed a test in potions'

'i can't believe you left me ALONE in transfiguration'

phoebe rolled her eyes 'oh my merlin, would you lot chill out!'

'well are you gonna tell us or not' peter asked obviously stressed at the fact there seemed to be drama and he doesnt know every detail.

'i don't want to talk about it' she said shoveling food on her plate

'i'm sure potter would love to though' she scoffed looking sideways at him

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