6- Halloween Bitches

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Saturday October 31, 1976
Gryffindor Common Room
10:08 pm

'well is that all?' mary asked as she finished zipping her boots, lily stood by the door waiting, marlene sat on her bed playing with her rings, and phoebe sat in front of the mirror putting her earrings in.

'yeah just let me finish' phoebe finished putting her last earring in and messed around with her hair for a few second before lily grabbed her arm dragging her to the door 'i have been ready for 30 minutes your hair looks fine, why do we always have to be late because of you'

'we're not just late, we're fashionably late thank you' phoebe said as she pulled her arm back walking towards the door

the 4 girls were wearing off white, off the shoulder dresses with brown corsets bandanas or hats on with brown boots.

'i'm gonna get so fucked tonight' marlene said standing up 'me too, i heard longbottoms restocked on his muggle shit' said phoebe as she opened the dorm room door

their eyes were met with red lights and loud music blasting from speakers. they could see all the people that had already come out, 5th year and up.

a variety of different costumes were seen from funny to practical, modest to revealing. Until they looked over to see the four boys they knew so well due to phoebe being apart of their group, dressed as none other than the 4 girls.

peter had curled his hair in tight ringlets, apparently (hopefully temporary) dyed it a dark brown. he wore a a small flowy purple skirt with a white tank top and a sheet over shirt, that were most definitely mary's clothes.

sirius had pulled his hair back into a ponytail, had a fake septum piercing, ripped tights with jean shorts, a led zeppelin shirt and smeared eyeliner. also sporting marlene's actual clothes.

remus has a ginger wig on, a cropped red knitted sweater, a jean skirt to his knees, holding on of lilys books. the clothes were also stolen from lily evans closet.

and finally james. James has a long blonde wig on, wearing phoebe's favorite bell bottoms with flower designs on the back pockets, a light green short t-shirt, and of course her leather jacket on top.

'oh my fucking merlin' marlene laughed as they walked down the stairs and over to the boys

'i've been looking for that sweater remus' lily scoffed as they finally reached them

'well what do you think girls?' sirius said as he did a spin in his marlene impression that didn't sound anything like the scot

'i personally think my ass looks fantastic in these trousers' james turned around lifting the jacket slightly and pushing his ass out towards the group

'you better not rip my trousers jamie' phoebe said as she lightly tapped his ass as he quickly turned around

'oh remus put charms on them so we wouldn't ruin your clothes' peter said walking back as he has some point left the conversation to grab drinks for everyone

as peter passed around the cups of some type of alcohol, most likely fire whiskey, the group made their way towards a couch near the dance area

phoebe, sirius, and mary's ears perked up as they heard lay all your love on me by abba start playing over the speakers

phoebe chugged the rest of her drink, mary put it on the table, and sirius gave it to remus as they all ran towards the makeshift dance floor

as they screamed the words and jumped around to the beat, a certain 16 year old with glasses couldn't take his eyes off of a certain 16 year old veela.

'prongs you might as well just go over and make out with her' peter said sipping his drink.

james turned over quickly glaring at peter 'i don't know what you mean pete' as he turned looking for the girl again he could only see mary dancing with a random 7th year loosing sight of sirius and nat.

'hey where'd they go?' he asked turning back to the group as peter through his hands up marlene rolled her eyes and remus and lily made eye contact seeming to think of the same thing

'take your eyes off her for one second potter and you loose her' lily lightly laughed into her cup 'she was talking about longbottoms new goods so she's probably looking for him' marlene suggested into the group

just as she finished speaking 2 figures walked over, one holding something in her hand

'guys look what i have' phoebe said in a sing song voice putting two freshly rolled joints on the table. she next to james digging her hand into the leather jacket he was wearing for her lighter.

after the joint was lit, a couple people had joined.

the prewett twins, a girl named meghan, alice fortescue who brought over emery who phoebe and sirius had astronomy with, and regulus black who phoebe had dragged over once her high hit.

phoebe and regulus had a very interesting relationship to say the least.

they had met in phoebes second year when she found him crying in a corner when his own brother wouldn't look at him after being sorted into his rival house. phoebe had given the older black an earful the next morning. the 2 had grown a friendship over the years as they were always somehow there for each other when they didn't even know it.

remus and james' wigs were long gone as well as sirius' shirt. the majority of the group was high, but with the mix of alcohol it led to a messy game of truth or dare. the most cliche party game ever.

'ok- okay' marlene slurred as she kept giggling 'okay shut up wankers i have my person' as she finally gained her composure she pointed towards sirius 'truth or dare man whore'

'dare i ain't no bitch' the older black slurred back at her putting heavy emphasis on the bitch.

'i dare you- to give a hickey to a person of my choice' she said as she took another gulp from her drink

'well bloody go then' sirius said as he took another drag from the almost used up joint. 'i pick let me think- oh yeah remus' she said smiling wide as she had planned it. sirius blushed but leaned over to the boy conveniently right next to him putting his hand on the scarred boys cheek 'you don't mind do you moony' he slurred as remus could only nod not trusting his voice

after about 30 seconds of remus picking at the skirt he was wearing and sirius moving his hand down to remus' chest he pulled away showing a small little red mark that would soon bruise over.

'well damn pads' phoebe said giggling as she leaned back into the scarlett colored couch and then resting her head into james' shoulder making the blood rush up his neck and into his cheeks.

'oh sod off my turn' sirius sits back into his original spot still slurring his words his his lips slightly plumped and glossy.

'alright pheebs truth or dare' he said as he looked over at the girl with his cup in his hand.

'who do you think i am, montague? dare' phoebe scoffed from her spot curled up on the potter next to her.

as sirius tapped his chin with his index finger acting as if he was thinking but sober enough to remember the plan him and his fellow marauders (excluding james and phoebe) along with the 3 girls had come up with at dinner when phoebe had left for the bathroom and james volunteered to walk her there

'i dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with- james'



if ur actually reading this i love you.
i wanted to do a slowburn but i'm getting kinda bored of it but i might still do it we'll see..
i also hate editing so just ignore any errors

um yeah


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