for specifically neurodivergent regressors! ♡

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hello! this chapter is specifically gonna be for neurodivergent regressors (which will probably be most of us tbh). of course, it's okay to read this if you're neurotypical! it might be good information to know if you ever need it!

if you have a hard time remembering to take your meds, maybe work out a reward system either for yourself or with a caregiver! maybe a "for every week i take my meds consistently i get to have a special snack" or something like that!

fidget toys!! i can't recommend these enough! even when i'm not regressed they help me so much! plus, i don't know about you, but i tend to get extra fidgety when i regress!!

make a safe space, maybe in your room somewhere, to go and comfort yourself during panic attacks, sensory overloads, etc! it can be in your bed or if you're like me and like to curl up in a small tight space when you're not doing good, you can make a little spot in your closet! put blankets and pillows down, shut the doors if the dark would calm you down, grab regression items, fidget toys, and maybe some comforting smelling perfume or lotion! for me, my baby lotion always calms me down, or the smell of lavender.

if you have things that you know trigger you, please please please do your best to avoid looking at things like that!! maybe if you have a caregiver/ babysitter you can ask them to help remind you to keep away from bad things!

it might help to make one specific stuffie that's your designated therapist stuffie who you can vent to about all your problems! i have my froggie named Bubba :3

Age Regression!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum