getting into the headspace ♡

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for some people, regression can come up due to negative moments as a defense mechanism and can't be controlled (this is called involuntary regression). this chapter is not that! this is advice on how to get yourself into the regressed headspace in a more delicate and careful way, and maybe even in a happy way! please keep in mind too that regression can look different for every regressor! what works for u might not work for everyone! but i'll try to mention plenty of things! ♡

surround yourself with comfort items! this can be anything from a bunch of common regression gear such as pacifiers and bottles or even just small things such as a comforting blanket or movie! making your space comfy and safe and soft can be a very strong regressor!

if it's safe for you to do, and if you have items like these, try using your regression items like putting in your pacifier and pouring yourself a yummy drink in a bottle or sippy cup! being surrounded by small things can make you feel small!

keep yourself occupied and busy as much as you can if ur upset/ regressing to help a negative space! being focused on something like coloring or writing or watching cartoons or playing or anything at all is so much better than ending up slipping out of the headspace and doing something harmful! keeping busy on a nice small task could help you get regressed!

if you have anyone, talk to a caregiver/ babysitter/ friend who regresses! it could help to communicate with other people who can understand where you're at!

and if you're feeling sad or trying to deal with a negative headspace, let it all out! cry, rant to your stuffies, cling to a soft blanket, throw a tantrum- being regressed can keep you safe. at the end of the day, a person who's mentally so young won't think of something harmful the way they would otherwise. please be safe!

i apologize if this wasn't super helpful to you, my regression usually comes on involuntarily!

Age Regression!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat