tips for caregivers 🌸

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hello! being a caregiver can sometimes prove to be a difficult task, especially when it's a new thing to you. you can definitely make sure you know about age regression first, that's a good start! and for specific tips, i have a few, so this might be a longer chapter!

• please remember that age regression is a coping skill! your regressor might not always feel happy when small and that's okay!!

• please DO NOT raise your voice at them! regression is supposed to be a safe space and yelling can make it feel absolutely awful!

• don't take away comfort items when they get bratty!! taking away their blankets, stuffed animals, pacifiers, bottles, etc. doesn't work the way you think it does! it just makes them feel upset and unsafe. i have mixed feelings about giving a regressor ANY form of punishments but i know not every regressor feels that way, so just saying "u need to go sit in the corner now for a few minutes" is so much better than taking their comfort away!!

• DO NOT be physical with them when they get bratty!!! if you're thinking of a way to get onto them and your brain is going to spanking them, you're thinking of kînk! that is not what age regression is!

• try not to be annoyed about when they regress! it's very commonly an involuntary thing!!

• age regression is NOT a bad thing, but a lot of regressors keep it very private, so make sure you're aware of how to talk about it in public situations! don't openly talk about them being regressed if it's a private thing to them!

• avoid talking about things around them that you wouldn't say around an actual child, like sêxual things or drug related things or super violent things!

• communicate about things! each regressor is a different person and might have unique requests or requirements to their regression! for example, a lot of regressors don't feel comfortable when people say swear words around them while they regress, but some others (myself included) are fine hearing like one or two bad words as long as it's not a crap ton of bad words in like every other sentence or something. basically be sure to communicate!!

• no, they're not like actually kids, but seriously they are mentally processing things as though they are a child, toddler, or maybe even a baby. it is never okay to sëxualize them while they regress, EVER.

• you can ask them to make a special list of tips and tricks! i personally made a carrd for people i trust enough to regress around!

carrds are free to make, all you need is an email!

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