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[18+ Content Ahead !! 🔞]

Kagami's Pov ~


"Number 246 Kagami Taiga report to your cell immediately." A monotone voice was heard on the speakers.

I run through the prison, cops and guards chasing me, tasers and guns being aimed at my back. I was going to escape. I was gonna get out of jail finally after 5 whole years of being in this hell hole.

Again, the monotone voice sounded on the speakers. "I repeat, number 246, Kagami Taiga report back to your cell immediately."

My hands were still handcuffed as I turn a sharp corner. I pull my hands apart straining to break the cuffs off until I finally heard a snap. The chain fell and hung from one of the cuffs and my hands were finally free.

My arms were left red and would probably turn black and blue later on, but as of right now I didn't have time to worry about the pain or how bad it looked. I would have more than enough time to do that when I got out of this place.

I finally come across a door that led to all the guns and equipment. I needed a key card, I didn't have one so breaking it was the only option.

I lift my leg brutally kicking the device. Once it falls off I kick the door open and rush inside.

I was taking a huge risk and I knew that, but the only way to officially escape is by grabbing something that I could defend myself with.

I quickly grab a gun and grab some amo loading it into the gun. Just then, I heard the stomping of boots getting closer and closer to the door.

I turn and aim the gun outside at them all.

"Take another step closer and I'll kill you all." I say.

"Number 246, you are already cornered. We are not scared of one man with a gun. And truthfully speaking, that gun isn't even 100 percent real." The boy with the monotone voice and blue hair spoke.

"Your wrong, this gun is loaded and ready to fire at any one of you." I say through gritted teeth.

"Your surrounded, drop the weapon." One of the cops who were aiming their gun at me says.

"Like I said, take another step closer and all of you die."

One of the cops take a step forward pulling the trigger to their taser and I too pull the trigger for my gun. But unfortunately, my gun didn't go off...

The taser hit me and I fell to the ground feeling the electrical sensation all throughout my body. When it was all over and I was unconscious, they crowded me, lifting me up taking me away, to some other cell where people who've tried to escape like me stayed.

And it was probably filled with dangerous people.. worse than before. Coming from someone who could just barely manage to defend myself before.. I could literally die this time.


When I had regained consciousness, they had walked me towards my new cell. People yelled out at me cussing me out and throwing all sorts of insults. I only ignore them and looked straight ahead.

"Get in there." One of the officers say pushing me into the cell.

"My cuffs.." I respond back in a tone.

He unlocks the cuffs and pushes me inside once again. I only glare back at him, watching as he shuts the cell door.

"Number 247 Aomine Daiki, your new cell mate's here." The officer says before walking away.

Strangers with Benefits ~ Aomine x KagamiWhere stories live. Discover now