Chapter 1

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"Beth wait!" Daryl calls behind me as I stomp towards the house. I do not look back, even though all I want to do is hug him. He grabs a hold of my shoulder, spinning me around to face him.

"What?" I snap, cringing as soon as the word comes out of my mouth. I'm not mad at him, he's trying to help.

A pleading look glosses over his eyes as he stoops his head in response.

"Tell me what happened" he whispers, and another wave of regret washes over me.

I shrug, trying to push it off, walking towards the back yard, my thoughts suddenly spiraling out of control. My breath feels heavy in my lungs. My heart picking up pace, and I can't seem to catch my breath. Daryl follows me, and watches me pace for a bit. My face scrunched with lines of concentration, my breaths becoming quicker and harder to control.

"Rick dragged me out into the forest to test some theory of his," I say "he wanted to know if the walkers could smell me or notice me. They did, but if they hadn't then I wouldn't be here and the precious cure would be gone!" I shout

Daryl shakes his head, but doesn't say anything, just gives me some time to rant, thankfully.

"You don't get it. This, this BITE!" I shouted pointing to my wrist, "its gonna change the way people see me! No ones gonna see Beth, they're gonna see the girl who's immune. God!" My hands in the air. "I'm going to be the target," Daryl walked up to me.

Standing a foot away as I ranted. "They are all gonna want me for my blood. Heck people won't try killing me, they're going to torture me, I can't end up dead. I'm to important to save the world, and I don't-"

A warmness I had longed for spread through out my body as Daryl interrupted my rampage with a firm kiss. Our bodies clung to each other as our tongues venture into each others mouths. I had never felt so secure, his hands just tight enough around my waist, rubbing tiny circles on my shoulder blades.

"I'm sorry I can't do anythin bout the blood," he muttered looking down, "but even if you weren't no cure, I'd definitely still love ya."

My heart sped up and my vision went blurry and the girly voice inside me screamed: he loves me. He loves me.
He loves me.

I just kissed him, I wanted to tell him I love him, but I didn't, I wanted to show him.

"Um guys?" I jump back from him, my eyes shooting open as I peered behind Daryl to see who had discovered us.

Carl stood uncomfortably fidgeting, looking any where else around the yard, except us. I gave a sigh of relief, although part of me sort of wishes it had been Maggie, Glenn, or Rick, then I would never have to tell them. They could just find out on their own.

"Just saying my dads about to come outside." Carl announced.

Me and Daryl dragged ourselves into the house, before entering however, I reached for his hand. Classically entwining our fingers together.

Every one sat scattered across the room holding plates that contained some sort of casserole Carol had made.

"I want to here all about your trip." I whisper to Daryl. He only nods.

Maggie looks happy, but her loud laugh that I can hear from across the room sounds forced. I notice Eugene is absent, probably visiting Tara, who hadn't woken up yet from a bad run.

I helped myself to a plate and thanked Carol for her amazing cooking. She blushed and shrugged it off. Covering up another plate with tin foil.

In the corner of the room I could make out Ricks face, it was bandaged greatly, his eye and jaw bruised.

My eyes widened in concern and amidst the chatter of the room I left my plate and went over to Rick.

"That can't have been all me." I say, despite cooling down, seeing him in this state was a tad satisfying.

"No, not all you, just this extra layer of bruising." He points to his eye and smiles, it quickly fades and he stoops his head down, "I'm sorry Beth, I made a mistake, and I don't expect you to trust me any time soon, but if you could forgive me?" 

I give a large breath and nod, it wasn't worth it to stay mad at Rick, I live in the same house as him.

"When did this happen?" I softly say, raising a finger to brush a deep gash without even realizing it. He flinches at my touch, rubbing his temple with his finger.

"The other day, I don't know." Last night, I hadn't been able to see his face in the dark. And obviously he wouldn't say anything if I didn't ask the questions. Was I so angry earlier that I didn't even notice?

"What happened?"

He stares straight ahead, "I confronted Pete. And the group. Through him out a window." he says quietly.

I laugh bubbles up inside me, but I push it down.

"What do you mean confronted the group?"

He unfreezes and shrugs, "We need to teach them how to survive." I had a million more questions, that included a lot more details, but instead I asked if he was okay.

"I'm alright, again I'm sorry about last night." I just shake my head.

"Now, Daryl is getting anxious over there, like I'm going to hurt you or something." He smiles at me.

"We'll you never know." I say, trying to ease the tension and block out the subject of me and Daryl as a couple.

"That's true." Rick brings a can of soda to his lips slowly, and retreats it slowly as well.

"People like me shouldn't be trusted, Beth. People like me." he adds emphasis on his last words.

Rick stares across my shoulder and I turn to see his subject.

Daryl sits quietly on the window sill, watching the conversation.

"He's not like you." I say, and Rick raises his eyebrows. " your not like you either. I know I can trust you. Everyone here does."

"Maybe." I laugh and he looks confused.

"Rick Grimes is too modest." He rolls his eyes and I can tell his dull mood was a lot better than when we entered the house.

"Now go before Daryl gets even more jealous." Rick says, making me blush.

"Guys like Daryl don't get Jealous." I respond.

"Believe me," he stands putting a hand on my shoulder and directing towards the window, "we do."

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