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"Yeah i'm pretty sure i'm free hope i am" I said laughing a little bit because the situation was just a tiiiinny bit awkward 

"Oh thats good yeah so i was wondering if you would want to hang out?" Wilbur asked and he sounded slightly persistent and maybe even desperate 

"Yeah i would love to just send me where, when and yeah" I said smiling and trying to hold back my nervous laughter and trying not to blush and i could see Wilbur was also a little pink 

"AND i'll be at home, sleeping, thinking about how Y/n wants to ditch me for a man who plays guitar and sings, Y/n at your wedding IF YOU ARE ALIVE TO FUCKIN HAVE ONE I WILL GIVE A SPEECH HOW YOU DITCHED ME or at your funeral which one fuckin comes first" Jamie said death staring me only a slight bit and doing the 'I'm watching you' hand thing and i couldn't help but laugh 

"I'm so sorry Jamie but if you want to hang out with a guitarist and singer just call up Lilac and Violet they would love to hang out with you and i was about to say just call me but i'm not going to really be free" I said laughing a bit and i could see Wilbur was also laughing a little bit but also blushing a bit and like we both know we like each other so i think tomorrow was the perfect time and place too confess and i may or may not have hyper fixated on this ever since out first hang out ha ha ha totally not   

"Shut the fuck up Y/n now i'm going to watch Helluva Boss WITHOUT YOU" Jamie yelled in a rage and he looked very angry or like a baby who's trying not to cry out of anger or just is trying to shit 

"YOU FUCKIN WOULDN'T" I yelled back at Jamie because how dare he watch it without me even tho i have watched both the seasons by myself and while being sad and or bored or happy either way i worked my way through it all 

"OH FUCK YEAH I WOULD BITCH" Jamie said looking like a baby who is trying to shit still and i still couldn't believe he would do such a thing but he can be pretty petty sometimes well not reeeaally but still when he's mad he can be just a tad bit 

"You are such a bitch Jamie now i'm going to binge watch all the episodes on my couch with some (insert fav food) and you can't have any how does that feeel?" I said kind of rubbing it in his face because why the fuck not he threatened me 

"How the fuck dare you ok imma go ba baaiii Y/n and see you later Wilbur nice to see you" Jamie said as he left the call them i suspected ended his stream which was good timing because i was also about to leave not because of him or Wilbur just had enough and it was about time to eat dinner, relax and think where the fuck i am going with Wilbur 

"And there he goes and bad new Wilbur i'm going to go" I said looking a bit sheepish and Wilbur looked quite sad 

"Oh ok um i'll hopefully see you tomorrow i'll send you where and when later byee" Wilbur said sounding a bit happy and a bit sad a little mix of the both 

"Alright cool see you later" I said smiling and waving goodbye then i left the call and said goodbye to chat and ended the stream, went downstairs and ate some food kind of random food but at least its food thats my moto. Then i got a message from Wilbur and i guess it was the time and place he sent me and thats what i hope 




Hey Y/n, so do you wanna hang out at (random place near beach i'm not british idk) at like 12:30?


Yeah sure! I'll see you then :D


Cool can't wait to see you <3




Ahhh well that was all sorted out, me and him, 12:30, thats pretty good, cute guy, nice place and a nice time well its quite a good time? gives me more than enough time to get ready 

"CHANDLER i'm going out tomorrow at 12:30 just a warning" I yelled to Chandler who was now going to be left home alone because Missy had school and yeah 

"YEEESSS WOOOO HOME ALONE I AM GOING TO BE HHOOMMEEE AALLLOOOOOONE" Chandler sung from upstairs and he was being pretty fuckin loud, after a while i went to bed 


"EEErrrg fuck oh yeah i gotta see Wilbur today WOO YAAS" I said in a "the dumb blonde friend in American high school mean girl movie trio" voice (trade marked don't you dare try and fuckin take it away from me) and went downstairs, got some food and even tho i had at least three or four hours to spare i basically said fuck it and got ready into something kinda nice not really but it was decent, enough to impress someone well kind of you get the point 

"BYEE Y/N IM GOING TO SCHOOL" Missy yelled to me from downstairs and i was just in the bathroom debating if i should wear that or not but i decided yes 

"BYEEE MISSY DON'T DIE, HAVE A GREAT DAY SIS" I yelled down to Missy and after she left i ran downstairs to watch a movie (insert movie and it better be Heathers ) And i kind of lost track of time and realised 

"SHIT I GOTTA GO BYE CHANDLER HAVE A GOOD DAY" I yelled as i ran out the house, didn't even hear what he said just fuckin bolted out the door, keys and phone in hand and got into my car and sped away, not really i didn't want any speeding tickets today or any day 

Once i reached my destination i kind of stood around like a child looking around before it cries and sound like a fire horn HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK kind of like that but 20 times louder and way more annoying but after a few minutes of standing i saw a very tall figure and long and behold it was 

"Wilbur! hello" I said as i gave the tall man a hug and fuck he looked and smelt nice fuckin shit this man IS THE SHIT

"Hello there Y/n, how are you?" Wilbur asked and well looked down at me 

"I'm very good thanks and you?" I asked Wilbur and i could see the pink on his cheeks 

"Very well now thank you um do you want to go and get a drink or something?" Wilbur asked and i could never decline it so i accepted and we walked to the nearest ALDI..


heyy love you all and i am proud, please eat, drink and sleeep, hope you enjoyed this chapter, discord server is always open <3

1180 words

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