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It was very early in the morning when i heard my phone buzzing and it was 

"Tommy?" I asked in a croaky voice 

"WIILL I HAVE A VLOG IDEA FOR TODAY" Tommy said as we went on to say we should get Lovejoy together and film with another band? sure why the fuck not that actually sounds fun so i got changed and called up the band and we headed over to meet up with Tom 

"WIIILLL" Tommy yelled as he ran to me 

"Heyo Tom" I said giving Tom a hug or well he hugged me and he said Hi to everyone else 

"Alright off we go to meet your neeww friends" Tommy said as he lead us to a random building 

"Are you sure its the right place Tom?" I said as we reached a big building with some graffiti and posters

"Looks abandoned" Mark said looking around 

"Don't worry i've been here looooads of times" Tommy said as he opened the door and it was actually clean?

"Helloo here to practice or seeing a friend i'm going with the second option" The lady at the desk said biting on her pen 

"Well you are correct" Tom said walking to a corridor as the lady nodded and we stopped at a random door and Tom opened it a bit and we heard a bit of commotion

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" We heard someone yell and Ash gave me a worried look 

"HII WAIT WHO'S GOING TO DIE?" Tommy asked sounding scared 


"HIII TOM" we heard a few other voices say before Tommy swung the door open and we were greeted with someone standing in the middle of the room with their back turned and there were 3 other people with them

 "AAAA CHOOO" A person sitting on an amp sneezed 

"Bless you Nezzy" The person standing in the middle of the room said as the one who i think may be called Nez got up 

"Thanks and oh no where are the women?" Nez i'm going to say their name is Nez said as the one in the middle turned around and looked kinda of scared but not gonna lie they were kinda.... hot 

A tall woman walked next to the hot person and welcomed us 

"Thank you um this wan't our idea" I said chuckling a bit and i couldn't help myself but i had to eye the hot one and i think they noticed..shit

They all did their intros and i think Nez kinda hates me? they just looked at me a bit funny? like a death stare but whenever i spoke i couldn't help but stare at Y/n, i don't know what it was about them it was just like they hypnotised me and whenever they caught me staring i couldn't help but smirk at them and when i did their face always went a little red which was cute 

After a little bit we went outside and walked around and suddenly i saw NEZ WAS BITING Y/N?? WHAT 

"Oh my god, are you ok?" I said trying not to sound paniced but i guess i did because they looked very empathetic and like they have dealt with this before 

"Oh yeah i'm ok and they don't usually bite tooo hard" Y/n said nodding their head like this was completely normal and after that Nez let go of their are thank god

we started to walk and i'm quite a lucky fella because guess whaaat Y/n was next to me, they looked so cute and were kind short ;) well they were next to two very tall people and while we were walking Violet their band member well lead singer nearly fell but they didn't and they all couldn't stop laughing including me because it was kinda funny and suddenly i felt a body fall onto me and that body was Y/n

"AH SHIT I AM SO SORRY" Y/n apologised and their face was burning up with a nice shade of red and i also couldn't help but blush as well 

"ITS OK DON'T WORRY" I said chuckling a bit as Tommy announced that he got it on camera which was kinda funny but slightly embarrassing in a way 

"Shit Y/n's coming send it to meee" Nez said to Tommy as they tried to slide away 

"I heard that you bitch" Y/n said as they got closer to her

"No you didn't" Nez said slowly walking away and then it ran very very fast and Y/n chased it 

"RUUUUNN Y/N" Violet yelled 

"Daum they are fast" I said pointing to Y/n

"I know right they look so hot when they run" Violet said chuckling

"Your right they are hot" I said not thinking about what i was saying then i realized 

"N-no i didn't s-say" I tried to save myself but guess what fuckin failed 

"WAIT DO YOU do you have a crush on Y/n?" Violet asked me looking a bit shocked, eyes wide open, mouth wide open 

"um i- well you see" I said scratching the back of my head 

"You think they are hot and have a crush on them and are too scared to tell me or anyone because i'm their friend and you think i'm gonna tell them or i'm scary either way its ok king" Violet said nodding and they were actually on point and i guess my expression said it 

"Knew it i'm so good at this shit" Violet said nodding and i kinda agreed with her 

"Yeah you are" I said nodding to her as Y/n came back with Nez in their arms 

"Got the little rat everyone GOT THE FUCKIN RAT BACK" Y/n said as they carried her in their arms bridal style and i guess it was clinging to their neck or for dear life well both 

"Tommy don't give them a copy or else" Y/n said death staring Tommy as Tommy looked kind of shocked but he agreed 

"OK ok i don't know what or else means" Tommy said turning to me 

"Not even Y/n knows" Lilac said giggling 

"Oi fuck off" Y/n said Nez still in their arms..


hey hope you all are well love you all <3 bird photo and my arm is fine blame the birds not me :D 

hey hope you all are well love you all <3 bird photo and my arm is fine blame the birds not me :D 

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1030 words >:) 


*𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖* Wilbur x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now