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All was going pretty well with Wilbur on the stream until Jamie decided to try and throw me under the bus for liking Will which was a really fuckin close call because if HE FOUND OUT OOH HO HO HO i would be dead just RIP, on my way to the after life, In the arms of the angles and you can't save me kind of dead but luckily Jamie was just being a dickhead and didn't tell him that i actually liked him so hell yeah good for me but i think that i gave too much away of whom i like aka him because Wilbur looked like some cogs were turning in his head and after a bit he looked up 

"Um Y/n erm this may sound bizzar but um the guy you just described kind of um sounds like me?" Wilbur said and oooh fuck i am in trouble i am really in trouble right now, how the fuck did he figure it out so quickly? well i have left many hints and he's not a fuckin idiot so well am i ready to confess? no no i am not ha ha haaa i kind of need to wait till we hang out one more time THEN THEN THAT WILL BE THE TIME yeah i'm a very planning person and i hate telling people how i really feel and i know he does like me, he's shown it a lot but like i'm not ready to tell him yet YET it will happen soon hopefully 

"Oh does it? huh bit weird um anyway WHAT? UH why oh ok be right down" I said trying to avert the convo but i did actually get called by my younger sister Missy who is four years younger than me and lokey a bit of a bitch 

"Are you ok Y/n?" Wilbur asked seeming very concerned and i don't blame him it kind of looked like i was talking to no one which i sometimes do well actually a lot now that i'm thinking about it 

"Yeah yeah i'm all good um ill be right back my sister needs my help" I said as i put my headphones down and walked out the room with my little sister 

"Ok so how do you put up LED lights i need help you've done it twice so can you heeeellp?" Missy winded and i honestly don't know how she made it to 18 

"Sure? uh i don't know how you made it to 18 jeez" I said as i stood on her bed as i put her LED's on 

"What the fuck is Y/n doing?" I heard Chandler say 

"Oh they are doing my LED's because i couldn't figure it out" Missy said sounding proud? why the fuck would you be proud of that well each is to their own 

"Woooooow how the fuck did you make it to 18?" Chandler asked with his arms crossed 

"THATS WHAT I'M SAAAYIIIING" I said as i stood on a chair to reach the roof because i am tall but not i can touch the roof without trying tall like jesus man 

"UGH WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE SO MEAN TO ME?" Missy yelled as she pouted 

"Its not mean if its the truth" I said as i finished the LED's handed Missy the remote and went back into my office as i sat back down i heard a voice sing 

"alooooone again aloooooooooooone again no more y/nnn because i am alooooone again" And long and behold it was Jamie sining because i left him for a few minutes 

"Jamie i left for a few minutes Jesus get a grip man" I said to Jamie as he laid silently in his chair and spun 

"Oh hello Y/n you all good?" Wilbur asked sounding very happy to see me or well hear from me 

"Hello Will and yeah just had to help my little sister all is good all is good nothing to worry about" I said smiling as Wilbur smiled back at me and i could see a slight shade of pink on his face 

"Thats good um are you doing anything tomorrow by any chances?"...


hey love you all sorry it was short school and other shit going on <3 very proud of you yes i know you are going to try so get it out now um bird  

760 words <3

760 words <3

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*𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖* Wilbur x gn!readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat