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"AAAA CHOO" Nez sneezed and i turned my back to the door to bless them because thats what you do 

"Bless you nezzy" I said to her as she nodded 

"Thanks and oh no where are the women?" Nez said looking behind me and i turned around to see there was 4 more men than i last saw 

"Hi um welcome i guess?" Violet said getting up and standing next to me and i just kind if stood there in awe? idk just stood there there was a very tall man who was kinda hot, a guy wit glasses and a moustache, and two dirty blonde guys 

"Thank you um this wasn't our idea" The tall guy said chuckling a bit while eyeing me 

"Y/n c'mon here" Lilac said standing up as i turned back around to look at her 

"The tall dude is looking at you" Lilac whispered into my ear 

"naah yeah i saw that thank you tho" I said patting her shoulder as she gave me the "really daum" look as she stood next to me and we all kinda of looked a bit awkward and then Nez decided to join us in the line 

"Hm" Nez huffed as they rocked back and forth on the balls of its feet 

"Yeah i agree with you bud" I said giving her a side glance

"What? wait am i missing something?" Violet said leaning forward 

"Uum no?" I looked at Nez who mouthed no while kind of closing their left eye (its a dad thing) 

"No" I said nodding 

"Oh um ok hi i'm Violet nice to meet you guys, um we are The Outcasts and i'm the lead singer" Violet said smiling 

"Are we doing a intro of ourselves?" Lilac said leaning forward 

"Yeah" Violet said nodding 

"Shit um hey, i'm Y/n uh i'm 23 in (birth month), the bassist, i go by they/them and i'm *sexuality*" I said smiling as the tall guy smirked at me and i gave him the "i'm kinda smiling kinda not" face 

"I'm Lilac, 23 in September, Guitarist, she/her and pansexual" Lilac said giving a thumbs up and as she looked at Nez 

"Nez, 22, drummer, she/they/it, if you don't respect Y/n or my pronouns you can go and fuck yourself and i'm a lesbian if that helps you" Nez said in a monotone voice staring straight into the souls of them all well i kind of guessed it because we can't really see their eye's 

"Um yeah i'm 24 in June, she/they, bisexual sorry forgot to mention ha ha um Y/n don't you also play guitar or am i drunk?" Violet said looking at me and putting me on the slight spot light 

"Yeah i do occasionally not really in the band just do it for fun" I said giving a thumbs up 

"Woah thats amazing um we're Lovejoy i love your bands name by the way, I'm Wilbur the lead singer and guitarist i'm 25 later this year and this is Ash he's out bassist" Wilbur said pointing to the guy next to him which we learnt was Ash and he gave us a quick smile and wave 

"Hey i'm Joe and i'm also a guitarist great to meet you" Joe said with a big smile and i looked at Nez who was trying not to make a joke because they really like to and sometimes she just can't help herself 

"Nice too meet you I'm Mark and i'm the drummer" Mark said waving and giving us a smile 

"And you guys got your fan boy Tommy" I said pointing to Tommy 

"WHAT I AM NOT A FAN BOY" Tommy said pointing at me 

"I have to side with Y/n on this one you are a fan boy Tommy" Violet said nodding a little bit and smirking 

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A FAN BOY" Tommy said as he started to walk over to Violet but Wilbur stopped him 

"HA you got stopped by your brother" I said laughing a bit because i've seen it all well my youtube has anyway and chat has sent it to me and when i said that Wilbur's face went pink 

"Tom Violet had more platform shoes she can easily be 7 foot" Lilac said adding on to the fact that Violet was a tall woman even taller with platforms 

"Oh yeeah i love those ones right now i'm about your height Tom 6'3 i so have ones at home that make me Y/n's brothers height" Violet said putting their hands on her hips and smiling 

"He's about 6'7 i think wait yeah he is" I said trying to remember his height because i am really bad at remembering stuff 

"Oh shit your brother is 6'7?" Wilbur said sounding impressed well kinda 

"Yeah its weird because i'm classified as 'tall' in my family as well because i have cousins who are shorter than me but yeah he's 6'7 my dads about 6'5? i think" I said still trying to remember everyone's height 

"Holy shit you got a tall brother i'm 6'6" Wilbur said pointing to himself 

"Y/n's brother is kinda scary" Tommy said with wide eyes 

"He's also gay" I said while looking at Tommy and i'm pretty sure they weren't trying to laugh but my friends just chuckled 

"But he's not that scary unless you don't eat his cookies or eat the last one" I said giggling a bit 

"I ate the last pride cookie when he made them and he was like "You did not" Nez said which is the first thing they had said in a while but it was true 

"Oh yeah you told be about that, that was funny" Lilac said giggling 

"I still have the video!" Violet said leaning forward a bit to see Lilac 

"Omg it was so funny" I said remembering what happened because i well filmed it and i live there 

"So do you guys do gigs?" Wilbur asked looking at me why? i dunno, i'm not the lead singer 

"Yeah we do a few nights a weeks its pretty fun" Violet said smiling 

"Don't forget the tradition" I said pointing at Violet 

"Oh no not the tradition" Lilac said laughing a bit 

"I love it, it's so stupid but so fun" Nez said chuckiling 

"So we either go to a bar or go to McDonalds to get drinks after a gig" Violet said trying to look at Wilbur and us at the same time which doesn't work 

"Its so good tho" I said laughing a bit 

"So you guys wanna go and roam the streets, film?" Tommy asked as he looked around 

"Sure" Violet and Lilac both said as we all started to walk to the door 

"As long as we get to scare children" Nez said leaning towards me as Wilbur opened the door for us..


hey hope you all enjoyed the chapter and hope you all are well and not climbing into my window 0-0 and letting me know by drawing stick figures ha ha long story 

discord in my bio

love you all 

1182 words <3

*𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖* Wilbur x gn!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz