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As i waited in line with Wilbur i was kind of nervous because well i've never been treated this well before well i have but not by the guy i like by friends yes but thats different because they don't kiss me well not usually or that i know of and if they have kissed me while i was asleep thats a different scenario ok i can't control that ok? but this THIS IS DIFFERENT and the whole time he was holding my hand which i really liked because his hands were nice and warm and when it was out time to order he knew exactly what to get 

"Hey um can i get *whatever you eat at your fav place* and *something else idk what you chose* yep thank you" Wilbur said in a very polite and formal voice and he looked at me and smiled as we walked out of the line to wait for our number to be called and he was just holding my hand and smiling 

"So you happy with what i got you?" Wilbur asked as he looked down and smiled at me 

"Yes i am, how'd you know i love that?" I asked Wilbur because i don't remember telling him 

"Weeell a little short birdy by the name of Neave" Wilbur said chuckling a bit and i was quite shocked because how did he know its name??  

"WAIT WHAT? did Nez tell you their full name?" I asked Wilbur in a state of shock because Nez doesn't really talk about their full name well she does tell us we can call her that but we tent not to because it feels weird well slightly weird but on occasion we do just to get a laugh out of it and they do think its kinda funny 

"Yes, yes they did and it told me her full name and your favorite food and food place only if i respected you and all your decisions, took well care of you and also let them slap me with a wrap a few times and to film it and i did" Wilbur said smiling with glee and he looked very proud of himself for finding my fav place for food and fav food which i am pretty proud of him for 

"Aw love Nez so much and well done very proud of you" I said to Wilbur as i kissed him on the cheek because why the fuck not and i was and am proud of him am i not allowed to kiss him when i'm proud of him? and after i kissed him, his face was a nice shade of pink very cute in my opinion and just before he was about to say something.. 

"NUMBER 36" The person at the front desk thing called out and Wilbur finally snapped out of la la loo loo land and walked up to grab our order and after he did we went to sit down outside because it was a pretty nice day for a date and to eat some good food and my lord it was amazing food just everything was MMMH amazing 

"Mh hey darling can i have a bit?" Wilbur asked as he tilted his head a little bit kind of like a puppy and i was kind of thinking is he going to do what he did to me again? i hope not well i kind doo but don't y'know i don't want it to happen but i don't mind if it does 

"Is this another excuse to kiss me or do you really want some this time?" I asked Wilbur because i was very curious and i would give it to him either way the kiss YES the food perhaps as long as eh doesn't take a big ass whale bit when he was suppose to take a "small bite" 

"Well if you want it to be then.." Wilbur said as he pulled me in softly for another kiss which he was quite sweet about and very gentle with grabbing my chin which we always love 

"And may i have a little bit now?" Wilbur asked with a slightly smug look on his face i think he was doing it on purpose 

"Of course you can darling" I said to Wilbur as i handed him my food and it took him a second to realize that i was giving him a bite because he just stared at me for a good few moments and then took a bite, i think it might have been because i did call him darling and he wasn't expecting that or he was just admiring me either way i won in that situation, i got to him well called him darling OOORR he's looking at how sexy i am and thats good because it gives me more confidence about how good i look and also gives me more confidence in general and now i feel even hotter than i did 2 minutes ago >:) 

"Wow thank you and Mh this is good thank you my love" Wilbur said with a bit of food in his mouth but he did the little hand cover mouth thing when he spoke so i didn't get grossed out and that was also very cute 

"Yeah i know its really good, thats why i love it" I said as he handed me back my food with a smile, he seemed quite happy with himself and well possibly happy to be in my company well i hope he is and if he isn't.. his fault not mine i'm amazing so i don't see what the problem is to be fair 

"Bit of an odd question do you like stuffed animals?" Wilbur asked looking at me like a curious puppy 

"Omg don't get me started on them, love them why?" I asked because i was also quite suspicious of why he would be asking if i loved them 

"Oh no reason um after you finish your food wanna go to target?" Wilbur asked looking quite persistant 

"Yeah of course i would love to" I said happily as i finished my food and we walked over to the beloved store target, after a while of browsing we walked to the toys section and Wilbur told me to stay there so i stayed and waiting for him to come back 

"Ok darling you ready?" Wilbur asked with a huge smile on his face 

"Yes i am Wilby" I said quite excited because i didn't know what he had picked out for me and from behind his back he pulled this out 

"Yes i am Wilby" I said quite excited because i didn't know what he had picked out for me and from behind his back he pulled this out 

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yes a frog squishmallow

"OH MY GOD AWW THATS SO CUTE WILL" I said as he handed me the frog 

"And now its yours" Wilbur said happily as he took the from from me and ran to the self checkout and i followed him, he went straight in and payed for it then waited for me to catch up and after i did he handed it to me 

"Just for you dear" Wilbur said with a big smile on his face, i couldn't help but blush and give him a huuuuge hug 

"thank you so so so much Will" I said and when i looked up i couldn't resist but be the one to give him the kiss and boy was it a nice kiss....


hey hope you are well , love you <3 

discord is in my bio if you want 

1265 words 

*𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖* Wilbur x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now