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"Chat, chat, chat um Wilbur thinks i'm cute?" I said as i clasped my hands together and pointed with both of them, very confused because Wilbur THE Wilbur soot THE William Gold THE um not the man the myth the legend thats Jamie or my other friend Woody aka Andy 

"This is ha ha THIS IS GETTING INTENSE WE NEED TO CALL BACK UP HERE" I said as i quickly called up Jamie one of my best friends of all time, he had shortish blonde hair, baby clue eyes, hates milk so in high school we threw milk at him and thats how he got his nickname "Jamie Milk" and was a Bisexual king and a very reliable king 

"Y/NNN YOU HAVE DAWNED ON ME FOR MY ASSISTANCE I HEAR" Jamie said in an ominous tone but also matching my vibe 

"YES DEAR JAMIE MY FELLOW UM BESTIE? I HAVE CALLED UPON YOU FOR YOUR HELP AS YOUR HEARD" I said also in an ominous tone because we match each others vibes and energy and NO we have never had romantic feelings towards each other it is ALL platonic  

"NOW WHAT IS THY PROBLEMO?" Jamie asked as he did some more ominous shit i dunno what to call it 

"WHY PROBLEMO IS THAT EHHEM you know Wilbur soot?" I asked getting real and back into my normal voice 

"Erm yeah? tall, nice hair, handsome guy, straight and will never get a chance to date because i don't want to and he's not my type and i can call men handsome without being romantically attracted to them and also sexually because we need to be inclusive over here that Wilbur soot?" Jamie said as he slightly spun in his chair as he raised his eyebrows at me because he was awaiting my response

"Uh yes that Wilbur soot he is very handsome and yes i agree i agree um yeah so i did a Vlog with him and Lovejoy plus Tommy and The Outcast crew aka just the bitches, Violent J, Nezzy and Flower and Color bitch um and i was watching the video back and i saw a clip that was filmed when i wasn't around and Wilbur yes the hot one called me um cute he thinks i'm cute so I NEED YOUR HELP O' JAMIE WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?" I said as i spined in my chair and had my hands on my forehead and i thunk about life, and what i did to end up in this situation, what did i do? or maybe this is the universe way of saying "you are fuckin lonely here, some guy with interest in you take it mf"  i'm going wiiith whatever Jamie say's because i don't trust my head well sometimes i do but most of the time its saying "FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS" or replaying my spotify liked songs over and over and over again until someone says "name a song" and the playlist stops and deletes and then i'm like "uuuum" and can't think of ANY song 

"OOOOO NO FUCKIN WAY NO WAY HE THINKS YOUR CUTE? YOU?" Jamie said sounding and looking very surprised 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY HE THINKS I'M CUTE? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" I asked very confused because is it a bad thing? is it a good thing?

"WHAT I MEANT BY IS THAT NOT MANY PEOPLE HIT ON YOU" Jamie said trying to make the situation better but um he didn't no no its like when someone is bleeding because of a stab wound or knife in the stomach and you pull it out buuut it just fuckin makes it SO much worse 

"IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MAKE ME FEEL ANY BETTER? ITS MAKING ME FEEL WORSE NOW JEEZ THANKS" I said to Jamie quite offended and still spinning in my chair and holding my hand on my chest because my heart now very dramatically hurt 

"NOO NOT IN THAT WAY I UUUH TAKE IT AS A GOOD THING THAT SOMEONE THINKS YOUR CUTE ESPACIALLY WILBUR SOOT THE MAN THE NOT THE MYTH OR THE LEGEND BECAUSE THATS ME AND JUST TAKE IT AS IT AS I COMPLIMENT" Jamie said trying to get through to me and i did understand what he was saying i just didn't want to admit it by my own guilt and i wanted to make it a little just a little bit funnier for chat and me because i can and it makes it more enjoyable for him to try and explain to me he didn't want to offend me but in reality he diiiid and then get him to try and back track but then realize he has no where to goo and he has to admit somethings he doesn't want to admiiiit and it turns into a whole shit show and its pretty funny to look back on 

"SO ARE YOU SAYING WILBUR SOOT IS TOO GOOD FOR ME? AND I SHOULD BE GRATEFULL THAT HE THINKS I'M CUTE? IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY?" I asked Jamie doing my usual twisting of the words thing to make it a little bit funnier 


"OK OK FINE i'm sorry Jamie the man the myth the legend" I said trying to act all innocent when in reality i know what i did wrong and yes i am wearing that with slight pride even tho i probably shouldn't 

"Ok thank you thank you Y/n very nice apology so Wilbur thinks your cute thats aww thats sweet he seems like a nice guy how tall his he exactly?" Jamie asked while taking a sip of his water (woata) 

"Yeah no problem um he's 6'6?" I said as Jamie fuckin spat out his water 

"SIX SIX?" Jamie yelled looking shocked 

"Yeah? Chandler is 6'7" I said reminding Jamie and then i saw my phone light up with a message from the one and only 

"I just got a message from Wilbur.....


heyy hope you all are well and enjoyed this long chapter >:) you all are bonita and remember i love you all endlessly and i am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU! YOU GOT THIS <3

1080 words

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