The Ocean and Pearls

Start from the beginning

My heart beat races at the thought, and I feel my stomach grow that sickly feeling once again. Gripping the pen tighter, I continue to write, hoping that writing it out will help me through the foreign feeling.

Tonight, I am supposed to meet the guys, and I am not entirely thrilled about it. For the past week or so, I have met more people that I would have every thought I could.

My body gets the funny bumps again.
I don't want to meet anymore people Joe, let alone them. No one wants me here, and even though some are nice, I know that most just want to seem like the hero.
My face grows hot as my chest begins to heave slightly.
I want to be home, I don't want to be here.

I drop the pen and stand from the chair as my breathing feels harder and harder to slow down. I rapidly look around the room, the corners of my eyes have a dark and fuzzy look to them. Looking around, the set of curtained double doors catches my eyes. I lunch for them and quickly yank them open. The scene before me is quick to make my mind and the rest of the craziness stop dead in it's tracks.

Blue. A blue sky, with slight wisps of white clouds dusted around, blends seamlessly into a giant body of blue water. A slight breeze comes up and the smell of salt envelops my senses. Salty water. Salt water? The ocean! I slowly step out onto the small landing, grabbing holding of the railing in front of me as I stare out.

"Oh, Joe I wish you could see it." My voice blends into the breeze, perhaps carrying the whisper too him right this very moment. I imagine it twirling and spinning across the waves as it finds its way to him home and knocks on his door. Wait, has he seen it before? He does travel an awful lot. "Just in case." I say as I step back into the room and pick up the pen.

Joe, I just saw the ocean for the first time. At least I think that is what it is. It is blue, and it smells like salt, like how some of the books you showed me said. Truthfully, I was feeling overwhelmed, the feeling has been happening a lot lately, most especially today. I know I made a promise to give this all a try, so I will try, but I'm not sure how long all of this will last anyway.

I hear a crash from the door, and a breeze blows the curtains as the salty smell fills the room. I smile slightly as I write out one last thought.

I guess it won't be too bad as long as I can see the ocean. Interestingly enough, the color of it matches your eyes.

I close the book and walk back over to the bed. I ease myself down, laying so my body faces the open doors and I can see outside. Ever now and again, a crash is heard below, and it feels as if it were singing a song. My body and eyes grow heavy as I stare ahead, until soon, the blue sky is replaced with the black of weary sleep.

"Get out of here!" A voice screams in the middle of darkness. "I don't want you here, get out!" Flashes of light and heavy breathing mixes with the shrill voice of a woman. "I hate you!" I stand in front of a door, the woman's voice is behind it. "Don't you see we never wanted you?!" She screams from behind and I reach out my hand to knock. "Get away from us you monster!" She screams and I knock. Silence and then I knock again. Still silence follows.

*knock, knock*

*knock, knock, knock*

*knock, knock, kno-"

     The door rips opens an a woman's face, a face that looks like my mother, flashes red, almost as red as blood as she screams at me. "Get out, get out, get out!"

My body lurches forward as my chest heaves up and down with heavy breaths. Looking around, I find myself in an unfamiliar place. My mind begins racing as I scan the giant room not understanding where I am. A crash sounds and my head snaps to double doors. Immediately, I remember and begin to calm down. That's right, I am in the marriage process.

✔️ The Unwanted Bride (Book One) **UNDER EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now