24. So come rain on my parade (Repeat #2)

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CW: Oli's still sick, some general descriptions of him being ill etc.

Mia slept badly that night. Her dreams were all nightmares of losing Oli, and she woke in a cold sweat. The worst ones made her feel like it was all her fault, that it was her walking out that destroyed him.

She took a few moments to adjust her eyes to the unfamiliar surroundings, then remembered she was in Ed's spare apartment. He'd met her at the station as Jordan said he would and drove her to the apartment himself, showing her around quickly and making sure she was settled in, but truth be told, she was pretty numb after she left Jordan and her memory of getting to the apartment was hazy.

She grabbed her phone off the bedside table and squinted at the screen. It was seven thirty - she was surprised she'd slept that long considering how fretful her night was. Jordan had messaged her last night after they'd got Oli safely to Sheffield and let her know they'd managed to get him stable, but they were keeping him mostly sedated to save the little strength he had.

Mia had a quick shower before throwing on a t-shirt and jeans and heading out to the kitchen to make some coffee. She set up her laptop so that she could try to focus on work later and once she was properly awake, she sat with her phone and facetimed Jordan.

"Hey, Mia!" Jordan said with a yawn. "How did you sleep?"

"Probably not much better than you by the looks of it," she chuckled drily. "I'll be honest, you look awful."

"Oh thanks!" Jordan chuckled, running a hand over the stubble on his face. "But somehow you look fresh as a fucking daisy!"

"That's because I've had my coffee! I had so many nightmares every time I closed my eyes. How is he doing this morning?"

Jordan glanced over his shoulder.

"I won't lie to you, Mia. It's been a really fucking rough night. The first few hours were touch and go."

Mia took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm. She hadn't spent more than a few hours without Oli since they'd first met, and this was their first full night apart. It was killing her to think about how long it would be until she could be with him again, and she shoved away thoughts of what if I don't get to see him again.

"He's definitely doing much better this morning, but he's not out of the woods yet. All four of us are here now and doing all we can."

Mia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can... Can I see him?"

Jordan flicked his gaze behind him once more.

"Just a sec, Mia. Let me check."

Mia's screen went blank. Jordan must have either put the phone face down or turned off the camera. Mia could hear rustling around and faint voices, but she couldn't place them. The rustling got closer and Jordan's face lit up the screen again.

"I've got to hold the phone, but here you go."

Jordan moved the phone to his right and Mia burst into tears at the sight of Oli's face on the screen.

"Hey, love," Oli almost whispered. His voice was rasping and quiet, but to hear his voice and see his face again was all Mia needed. "Hey, don't cry love, I'm here and I'm okay."

Mia sniffed, grabbing a tissue from a box on the table and wiping her nose with it.

"I'm just so happy you are okay. I've been so scared. I miss you so much already."

"Shhhh, it's okay love. The boys are taking care of me."

"I just wish there was more that I could do to help."

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