7. Sell me for parts

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Usually, Mia would need to watch something on TV to fall asleep to, but she could barely keep her eyes open long enough to change into her sleep clothes. Despite being so exhausted from the previous day’s events, and the comfy bed of the hotel room, she didn’t sleep very well that night. Her dreams were muddied with vampire-like creatures trying to get to her. They had Oli’s eyes, but not the shining, kind eyes she saw in the media and on socials, but the dark flash she saw in him yesterday. The creatures would descend on her and attempt to bite her and she could hear Gerard in the background shouting for her to be strong.

Finally, Mia woke, cold and clammy; her heart pounding in her chest. She sat up in bed and picked up her phone to check the time: just before 6am. It was earlier than she had planned to be awake, but every time she closed her eyes, the creatures would reappear. She tried to distract herself with her phone but after about 30 minutes, she decided to get up and shower.

Showered and awake for the day, she grabbed a coffee from the small kitchenette in the hotel room and set up her laptop, taking full advantage of the hotel’s wifi. She sent yesterday's files over and glanced through them, organising them into sections, making a few small edits as she did so. She flipped through some emails and drafted a few replies and soon it was 9am. She rummaged through her suitcase and pulled out a black spaghetti strap top, black cut-off jeans, and slipped on her black vans again. She was really nervous about meeting Oli this morning and considered messaging Gerard for moral support. She stood in front of the hotel room mirror and ran a brush through her hair, pinning her long fringe to one side to stop it getting in her eyes. She took a deep breath, and downing a glass of water to help calm her, she left for the dining area.

Mia was contemplating how the conversation would go the whole way down  and she was in a daydream when she stepped out of the lift - straight into Mike.

“Mia!” He exclaimed. “Good to see you, are you heading down for breakfast?”

“Uh, yeah, I was.”

“You can join me if you like?” Mike offered.

“Um, I kinda already have plans…” She drifted off, looking at her feet.

Mike raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh yeah?”

Mia’s demeanour shifted. She fiddled with a bit of her hair. “Yeah, I’m meeting Oli Sykes for breakfast”, she admitted.

Mike’s expression mutated to one of concern. “Mia…” he began.

“I know, I know!” Mia interjected, sighing heavily. “Look, long story short, there was… erm, an incident yesterday. I ended up somewhere I shouldn’t have been and somehow upset him. But Jordan came to find me yesterday when Gerard and the boys were practising, and he said Oli wanted to explain over breakfast. Gerard said he trusted Jordan, and he’s my SOS contact - I trust Gerard’s judgement.”

Mike blinked at Mia a couple of times and breathed a long breath. “I trust Gerard too. I don’t think he’d have let you put yourself in any intentional danger. Just keep your wits about you.”

Mia smiled back at Mike and checked her watch. It was now 9.26am. “I have to go, I’ll catch up with you later?”

Mike nodded, gave Mia a quick hug and hurried back down the corridor to wherever he had been heading.

As Mia entered the dining area of the hotel, she glanced around. It didn’t take her long to spot Oli sat at a table near the edge of the room. He had his head down with a black beanie pulled over his trademark fluffy, brown hair and was nursing a mug of black coffee. He raised the mug to his lips and noticed Mia over the top of it. Quickly setting it down on the table, he hopped up from his chair and hurried over to greet Mia.

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