2. Cut off my limbs

371 11 17

Mia woke to the sound of Alligator Blood by Bring Me The Horizon playing as the alarm sounded on her phone. It was one of her favourites, so she was loathe to switch it off, but she decided that would be the soundtrack of her morning while she prepared for the Davenports' arrival. She switched on Spotify to a "Bring Me The Horizon Radio" playlist and danced around to it as she pulled her sleek, dyed-red hair back onto a low ponytail. She clipped her slightly grown out fringe behind her ears and bounced downstairs to prepare a fresh pot of coffee. She had woken in a surprisingly good mood and the music made her feel even better as she tidied up the studio, set up the backdrops, and before long, it was 8.50. She heard a car pulling up outside the studio, so quickly switched off the music, put her phone on silent, and went to greet the Davenports outside the studio.

Mrs Davenport got out of the drivers' seat as Mr Davenport remained in the passenger seat, apparently on a phone call. Mrs Davenport hurried her two boys out of the back of the car and introduced them to Mia, holding out her hand politely.
"Good morning, Mia. I'm Jo Davenport, and this is Archie and Ellis", she spoke softly, pointing to each boy in turn. Archie was the younger of the two, standing around 4 inches shorter than his brother with a rounder face, but both almost identical in features. "I'm sorry about my husband, he's..."
"Here!" came the rushed reply from Mr Davenport as he shoved his phone into his back pocket, extending a polite hand to Mia as his wife had done previously. "Mike Davenport", he continued, and Mia couldn't help but notice the same face as the boys smiling back at her. "Sorry about that, urgent work stuff."
Mia smiled politely back at him. "No problem at all Mr Davenport-"
"Mike, please", he interjected with a chuckle which caused Mia to relax, the evidence reflected in her hazel-green eyes upon being given permission to use first names.
"Of course", Mia continued and led the four of them through to the studio.

The shoot was fun and Mia enjoyed making little jokes to ease the boys into it. They were a little nervous at first - preteen and teenage boys could sometimes be a little difficult at these kinds of things, but Mia knew what she was doing and soon she had them play-fighting to stage scenes and even got Jo and Mike in on some of the set-ups.

After about an hour, Mia called for a break and showed the Davenports some previews with some refreshments. Mike checked his phone and frowned at it. Mia caught his eye as he did so and led him to a quiet area behind her studio. "You've got 15 minutes before we start again, use this room to take your calls", she signalled sympathetically.

"Oh Mia, you're an angel. I'm so sorry, I promise I'll be back in time!" Mike responded gratefully as Mia left to rejoin the rest of the Davenports who were poring over the biscuit selection.

Mike dialled the voicemail number, knowing the barrage of messages he was about to listen to were all regarding the same issue from work earlier. He was an events coordinator and had a festival this coming weekend, but one of their main photographers had pulled out and they were having trouble finding a replacement at such short notice. As he listened to his assistant ranting about three other photographers who had all turned him down, and sounding more frustrated with every message he left, Mike's attention had been drawn elsewhere as he surveyed the walls of the room Mia had led him to. There were framed photographs on every wall, mostly darker in nature and theme. They depicted young, alternative looking people, dressed in mostly black, with brightly coloured hair, piercings and tattoos, and looking like they belonged in the crowd of a rock music festival. Mike pondered the artist's work as he called his assistant back, informing him that he had an idea and would call him back after the shoot.

Mike found his way back into the studio and with five minutes left on the break, he made his way over to Mia.
Mia smiled quizzically up at Mike as he approached, regarding the previews of the last hour. "All sorted?" she asked.

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