Chapter 18

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We walked away from the table. My moms phone rang. "Oh it's your mom Zain." she said. His eyes widened. "Grounded." he mouthed. "I am just gonna go upstairs with Zain." I said to excuse him. "Sure honey." my mom answered.

He sighed. We sat down. "Your clothes are still dirty." I said. "If you want you can try some of mine." I offered him. He opened my wardrobe and found a big t shirt. I turned my back to him while he were changing. "There, you  back now." he said.

I could see a smile growing on his face.  "Your clothes are actually comfortable, where did you buy it?" he asked. "The shop beside the cafe." I replied. My dad knocked at the door. "Come in." I said.

"We are going to the cabin in the weekend, prom is on tuesday. You should start packing." he said. I sighed. "Zain is here, do I have to pack now?" I asked. "Yes Esther." he replied.

"I can help you." Zain offered me and smiled. My dad left the door. A picture from Rose came up on Facebook. I dropped my phone.

"What the fuck, you scared me." Zain said. "Rose is kissing Aspen." I said while pointing to my phone. "Good they've been together." he said rolling his eyes. We both had the hatred over the same people. Aspen.

I could never be able to hate rose as much as Zain do. She helped me through the first days. We packed and Zain helped folding my clothes. I smiled.  "Thank you for helping me," I said. I really hated to pack for myself. It was so much funnier with friends. We even got it done before my parents.

It started to be late. "Esther, I should probably go home now. It's late." Zain said. "Sure, I will follow you to the bus." I replied. It was still raining.

I took on a jacket and walked outside. I held the door up so Zain could go out. He smiled. "It was really fun today." he admitted. "It was." I said. We both hated silent so we tried to have a conversation going.

"Do you think they know you skipped school?" I asked. "Hopefully not." Zain said. We came to the bus station and the bus did not come until 10 minutes. I decided to hang out a bit until the bus came. It didn't. 

I remembered Zain still had my clothes on. "Keep those clothes." I said and smiled. Zain opened his phone and sighed. "They found out." he said. He looked disappointed. Even thought I only have seen him for like a week. I knew he was sad. "Hey, it will be okay." I said taking an arm around his neck.

He texted his parents. "The bus is late." he mumbled while writing. I had no clue if his parents did answer. It were completely dark now. The street light flickered. "You live in a scary street." Zain said jumping  of the sudden light.

"l do." I said. I still couldn't see the bus. Nowhere. I decided to be outside to the bus came. I sighed. "So." Zain said locking his eyes with me. "So?" I replied. "This silence is embarrassing." he said. At least he were honest. 

"Rock, paper, scissor?" I asked to be quit the embarrassing moment. He shrugged and turned towards me.

"I better win." he said. I folded my hand into a fist. "Rock, paper, scissor." "Shoot!" Zain shouted. His hand were formed as a paper. I had a rock. "Come on."I said and pushed Zain mockingly. "Again." I said. "To late." he said.

The bus were arriving. He hurried onto the bus and waved back to me.  His face were filled with a grin.

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