Chapter 9

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After a long time with silence we started to walk towards another classroom. Cooking class. Our teacher was Mr Keaton again.

We had to make tomato soup. Mr Keaton started saying the people working together. "Rose, Esther and Fallon." he shouts and points towards a kitchen. I started to walk to the kitchen he pointed too. Rose and Fallon walked after me.

"Hey Fallon!" I said. "Hi." Fallon answered while tying her apron around her waist. Mr Keaton handed us the recipes.

I read the recipe. "Can you get the onion and garlic?" Fallon asked. "Yea, sure." I answered and walked towards the ingredients.

After gathering all the ingredients I walked back to the kitchen and dropped the items at the counter. "So what do we do first?" I asked.

"Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in 1 tablespoon olive oil." Fallon said loud.
We followed the receipt. I started slicing the onions.  I felt tears in my eyes. "Onions are killing me." I murmured.

After a while the smell of tomato soup started filling the room. I was about to set the table when I heard a kettle fell down. "Shit." I shouted and lost the glass I were carrying. I ran back to the kitchen. Fallon had burnt herself.

"Are you okay Fallon?" I asked. She nodded while walking to the sink. I turned on cold water so she could have her burnt fingers under that.

Many people came to see what happened.  I pushed them away. "Let her be, don't crowd." I shouted. Mr Keaton yelled. "Everyone go back to your kitchens."

"Esther, you are also bleeding." Zain mentioned. "Oh. That's not important." I mumbled. I never realized I was bleeding. Probably because of the glass I lost.

Zain took a bandage out of his backpack. "Don't touch it, I don't want it to get zainfected" I said slightly pushing him away, mockingly. I could see that he were smiling.

He washed his hands and came back. "Better?" he asked.
I nodded. He applied the band-aid. His hands were soft. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. I didn't have anything to say so I could tease him. Mr Keaton clapped over us. Focus. We got back to the kitchen. "Do you feel better Fallon?" I questioned. She shrugged.

"Mr Keaton, can Fallon and I go to the nurse?" I asked. "Sure. Aspen can show you the way." he said.  "Okay." Aspen grunted.  We walked through the cafeteria.

The yellow round tables and red stools made the school more colorful. "Come on." Aspen said. I sighed.

"Excuse you, that's no way to talk to ladies." I said. Fallon bursted out in laughter. Aspen too. "We really need to get going because I want soup." he continued. "Alright." I said still laughing.
We arrived at the nurse.

"Oh dear, what happened?" the nurse asked worried. "I'm Nurse Carrie." she continued. "We had cooking class and Fallon burnt herself. I also got a cut but that's bandaged already." I explained.

"Fallon, you have blisters. How long ago was this accident? Nurse Carrie asked. "Like 20 minutes ago." Fallon said. "I held it under water too." she mentioned. "That's great, you have learn since last time I see." Fallon nodded.

"So Fallon, this is a second degree burn. That soup must've been hot." Carrie stated looked worried. "That soup must have been hot." Nurse Carrie countined. "It definitely was." Fallon said.

Nurse Carrie applied a non stick bandage and told Fallon to not take ice on it.
I turned around.

"What the fuck Zain!" I said suprised. "Mr Keaton said I had to get y'all." Zain said before anyone reacted. I rolled my eyes.

"At least the soup is ready." I said. "Thank you Nurse Carrie." Fallon, Aspen and I said.

We walked back to the classroom and sat down. Rose had set the table for us. The glasses were filled with water and plates stood at the table. Her eyes light up when she saw us.

"Fallon, Esther!" she yelled. She ran towards and hugged both of us.
"Don't let me make soup alone again." she said. "We can try." I replied.

We sat down and all of us sipped the hot soup. No need to be burnt once again. At least not for Fallon. She have had enough of a chaotic day today.

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