Chapter 4

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Lunch had started. I walked towards the cafeteria with Rose and her friends. It was so much to decide. I did not know what to get. "Go before me. I need time to decide." I said. "Alright, also you should get some of the carrot cake. It taste amazing." Rose said.

The queue were already long. I tried to see what they served. Not possible. "You should try the carrot cake." Rose said. I shrugged. It was so much to decide.

It was my turn, I got a tray and picked out all the things I wanted. "A pancake and a carrot cake please." I said. The cafeteria lady nodded and grabbed the food for me. She left it on my tray and gave me plastic silverware. Typical, plastic.

"Thank you." I said. I walked towards an empty table and saw Rose a few tables behind. I felt like i should sit with them. I need to get to know more people. I scanned the room for Zain. No Zain here yet.

"Is the food you bought good?" I asked Rose. I hate to eat when it is completely silent.

"It is." Rose said staring at my carrot cake. "You bought carrot cake too." she continued.

I finished eating and I decided to explore more of the school. I let Rose be with her friends for a while. It is pretty. I walked thru the cafeteria and ended up in a hallway. This school was so much prettier than my last school I decided to walk to the PE hall as it stood they had activities there each lunch breaks.

When I arrived there it was fewer than I thought. First thing I saw was the amber eyes to Zain. "Why is he everywhere." I asked myself. I had no clue if they even were playing anything but I decided to go in.

A blue soft ball got thrown to me the second. I somehow did catch it. I threw it back to the group of people. I think it was around 5. Zain was one of them. "Hey brat!" Zain said. I could hear he was joking. Hey stupid." I answered teasingly.

"That's the new girl?" a student asked Zain. "Yea, it's Esther." he answered. "You know her?" they continued. "Esther, come join." they said. I walked towards them not even knowing what they played. "If you drop the ball you loose." they said answering my question without me having to ask.

"Okay." I mumbled. The ball flew through the air and everyone ran after it. I got distracted of a teacher blowing a whistle, but I caught the ball and threw it back to Zain. "Good job!" I heard someone say. No clue on who it was.

"See you in art class Esther." he shouted to me while rolling his eyes and waving. I walked out of the hall and towards the classrooms. While walking I bumped into Rose.

"There you are." she said. "We have-" she continued before I interrupted her.

She nodded. "You learn fast." I smiled. It was 5 minutes until the art lesson would start. Rose had told me we were having Mrs Alana.

I got my desk, of course Zain had to sit besides me. It feels like the teachers know we are enemies.

The lesson started with getting another note from Zain. "I hate you Esther." I stared at him with a look saying "I know." We were allowed to draw and do anything as long it was a paper included. I made an envelope.

"To Zain.
I hate you so fucking much

I showed it over to his desk. Grinning. His reaction were priceless. Like we had started a teasing war. We had. The teasing war had begun.

Zain were staring at me with ice cold eyes, like he were talking. I started to draw. Could still feel his eyes in my neck. I turned around and sighed. "What Zain?" I asked. The second I asked he turned around.
"I know you were staring at me, don't try to hide it." I said snapping my fingers in front of him. He continued to be silent. Like he was embarrassed.

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