Chapter 7

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When my brother bursted in the door I had already changed out of my pajama.

"Sleepyhead." I said ironically to tease him. He showed his middle finger up my face. I rolled my eyes and walked out the room.

The white wall had a green wall trim. Something actually going good together.

"Morning." I said and yawned. "You are up fast today." dad admitted. "We have PE today. I'm not going to be tired while running." I mumbled for an answer.

"Okay." Dad responded. "You have never even liked PE." my dad admitted. It was definitely true.

The smell of sweat and the obstacles that never get washed throws me off each time.

"Walking to school today?" dad asked. It was actually not a question at all. "Yes, I will take it as a practice for PE." I replied.

I grabbed a banana and an energy bar and walked out the door.

My parents had already packed my backpack. I waved goodbye. I could see them in the window. I took a left turn and continued to walk.

I opened Google maps to find the way to Rose's house. "I love Google maps."

I got to Rose's house and rang the doorbell. A woman opened, I think it was her mom.

"Hey, is Rose here?" I asked. "Yes! She is. Are you a friend of her?" she questioned. I nodded while the woman shouted on Rose.

I saw Rose running down the stairs. "I'm coming!" she yelled.

"Esther!" she said surprised and opened her arms for a hug. I let her.

"Get your ass out the door. You are late." I said while dragging her with me. "I don't want to have PE" she sobbed.

"Well you don't have any choice." I answered. I groaned and grabbed her hand. I started to walk while dragging Rose with me.

"Bye Mrs York." I shouted to her mom. "Bye Rose and Esther!" she replied and waved.

Rose must have told her parents about me. Just like I did with Rose. We arrived to the school. Both of us had on training clothes and a towel each.

Rose couldn't stop talking about how strict our PE teacher was. If we forgot our shoes we would be send to the principal.

She also told me the principal were way more calmer than him. I didn't have my hopes up for this lesson.

We got in and he took attendance. I could see Zain's amber eyes from the other side of the hall.

He got eye contact with me. "Eye contact is dangerous." I said.

"As it will kill me." he replied with his hands at his waist. "Maybe it will." I replied and smirked.

The teacher walked in and it become silent. "So your Esther." the teacher said. I nodded. "Let's see how fit you are, run around the hall." he commanded me. "Me?" I questioned.

"Like it is anyone else called Esther." he replied and rolled his eyes at me. "Now."

I started to run. The rest of the class followed after me. I had to run.

My heart was starting to pump more, I could feel it. My breathe became heavy.

"Your shoe laces is open." Zain shouted while running past me. "Fuck." I mumbled.

I saw the teacher setting out obstacles. I decided to sit down for a bit. I needed water.
"Taking a break?" the teacher said mockingly. "Lazy." He continued moving the obstacles.

I saw Zain and his friend Aspen sit down beside me. "Hey Aspen." I said.
He turned his head towards me. "How do you know my name?" he asked. "Attendance." I lied.

"Cool." he said. "Zain keeps talking about you." he stated. I saw Zain's cheeks getting red. "No, I do not." he denied.

I locked eye contact with him. "Okay, I do." he admitted while showing his face in his hands. "What did I say? Eye contact is dangerous." I said and smirked.

"Continue to run, no time for chit chat here." the teacher interrupted us.The teacher had the obstacles out. I continued to run.

I jumped over the obstacles, and crawled under some. It looked stupid. "I need to be better than Zain." I mumbled to myself.

We have both been very competitive since we meet.
I looked down. "My shoelaces is tied?" I asked myself. I didn't tie it. Not this time. I may be going crazy.

"Alright, time out." the teacher yelled over the whole hall. He pointed towards the changing room. Everyone stopped up and walked out of the hall. The changing room were luckily splitted up.

One for female and one for men. I sat down. "My gosh." I said and tried to get my breath back.
"Hey Esther. Good work." Rose said. She stood above me.

Her hair was wet, it was water dripping down. "Did you, how did you shower already?" I stuttered. "I sneaked out earlier." she said smiling.

He's quite ignorant." she countined.
"Teach me girl." I replied. "Maybe." Rose said. "You should shower, we have lessons later , so you don't have forever."she said.

She was right, I should shower. I walked where the showers was and turned it on.
I squealed of how cold it was. It reminded me of those showers on swimming halls.

I finished showering after some time. Took clothes on. I struggled with the socks. "Come on." I murmured.

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