Chapter 1

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"It wasn't a coincidence at all." I mumbled and closed the book.

We backed into the driveway, we all had tons of bags and the furniture wouldn't arrive before an hour later. I got out of the car while Theo, my little brother was running around with the house keys.

"Theo, give me the keys." Dad demanded. I could see his head shining in the sun. "Bald head." Theo said, he groaned and gave dad the keys. Dad unlocked the door.

I stepped into the house. "This house is gorgeous." I said. I decided to check out my new room. It was on the second floor. I stroke my fingers against the white wall while walking. It smelled like new painting. I got to my room. A new bed. Everything was different.

I scrolled through my messages. Past friend are just now...nothing. Moving is a difficult thing. I connected my phone to the network and started reading the messages. "Are you in your new house?" "Is the house pretty?"

I smiled and answered the messages. I guess they are still there. Just further away from me. My mom knocked on my door. "Hey, you mind helping us setting the table?" mom asked.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs. It was taco for dinner. My dad and brother also came to the table. "Hey Esther." my brother said. "Hi Theo!" I answered. No one calls him by his actual name, Theodore.

Mom asked us what we did just before leaving and during the long car ride. "I said bye to my friends." I replied. Theo nodded.

"Esther, now that we've moved, you and Theo will have to start at a new school."

I frowned. "A new school." I said shocked. That was the only thing I had not thought about. I didn't manage to answer so I just nodded. My thoughts were racing.

What would the new school be like? Would it be hard? Would the teachers be nice?

I decided to leave dinner and go anywhere else to clear my thoughts.
I heard dad shout "School starts tomorrow!" as I left the room. "Should I go check on her." I heard my dad say downstairs.
"No need, Carlo." My mom answered. "She just has to be on her own. It must be hard for her to start at a new school." My mom continued. "You are right, Lyra." It was the last I heard from them before closing the door into my bedroom.

I heard the clock ticking,it was soon 11pm. I decided to get ready for bed. I got my pajamas up from the suitcase. It reminded me of my old house, it smelled like books.After putting on my pajamas I walked into the bathroom. The light was on and someone had forgotten to flush the toilet.
"Wonder who that is." I said ironically and flushed the toilet, looking for Theo. He was still with my parents. I washed my hands and started to brush my teeth. I couldn't think about anything else than my new school.

I heard footsteps, someone was walking up the stairs. "Are you ready to go to sleep?" mom asked. I nodded. "Esther, I see that you are nervous. I promise things will be okay once you get used to it, sweetie." mom stated. "Goodnight darling." she said while tucking me into the blanket.

She closed the door and my room was completely dark. Big difference. My old room was usually never dark. We didn't have curtains there. No one bothered buying them either. But now, my eyes started to get used to the darkness. I could barely see the forest green walls.

My dad knocked on my door. "Come in." I mumbled. The light from our hallway came in as bright as the sun. I could see my little brother running by in his pajamas's. "How are you Esther?" my dad asked. He was curious. "I'm great."
I answered. I was happy to finally be in bed. "Is it a comfortable bed?" he asked. I nodded. "Very." I said and smiled.

"Can you close the door on your way out?" I asked. I wanted it dark. Completely dark. "Of course, anything for you." he replied.
He walked out the door. "Night honey." he said while closing the door carefully.

I could feel the warmth of the blanket. I turned on the light above my bed. I felt excited. "A new school." I said to myself.

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