Chapter 13

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My phone light up. "Rose, I think Aspen is gaining feelings for you." It stood. "Aspen? Like that friend to Zain?" I replied confused.

"Esther, are you coming down, it's tomato soup." Zain said. My eyes widened. He were texting his parents. I smiled. "Yea." I said.

We walked down the stairs. "Just don't spill the tomato soup this time too." he said. Obvious for teasing. I looked down. I had on white shorts. I bursted out laughing nearly tripping again.

Zain grabbed my t shirt. "Geez Esther, nothing is allowed to hurt you, except me." he said jokingly. I smiled.

We sat down at the table and I got served tomato soup. My phone light up again and I turned it upside down.

They offered me macaroni and eggs in the soup. I nodded. "This soup is amazing." I said. "Thank you darling." Mrs Owen answered.

I finished the amazing soup while trying to not burn myself. Zain excused himself and left the table.

After some talking with his parents I also excused myself. I grabbed my phone and sat down on the stairs.

I saw my messages. "Esther, Zain has feelings for you." It stood. Rose had also attached an imagine where Aspen and Zain were talking together. "Aspen leaking?" I mumbled.

"I think I'm falling for her, she's so fucking pretty, but
I don't know if it is right to fall for my enemy. I just don't know." It stood.
It was very obvious the text were sent so Aspen could help him figure out things.

I didn't think much about it. "Zain, I gotta go home." I said. "Alright bye!" he replied.

I walked to the bus station and looked for the same bus we came with. It was only a few minutes before the bus came. I sat down.

Finally on my way home. I've spent the day with my enemy and someone who has a crush on me. The bus stopped near my house.

I walked off still thinking of Zain. Were Aspen lying or not. I had no clue. I opened the door to our house. It was pretty late so Theo would be asleep. I walked carefully towards the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Hey Esther." it came from the living room. "Dad, you scared me." I replied. He smiled. "How was it there?" he questioned . "It was great."

I added. I could not get my thoughts of the screenshot Rose had sent. What if it were true? What if Zain did have a crush on me?  I'm way to scared to ask him.

What if it's not right to be together, this feelings are so confusing.I fake yawned so I could go upstairs. I sneaked my phone with me so I could chat with Rose.
I could still not believe the screenshot.

"Night!" I yelled to dad. Hopefully didn't wake anyone up. Mom were already asleep so I tucked myself in this time.

I heard him go down the stairs. I fished my phone again from the pillowcase and turned down the brightness.

"Hey Rose, are you awake?" I sent. My phone light up the second after. "Yea what's up?" it stood.

"Are you sure the picture you sent is not edited? I questioned. "Yea of course, I would never lie to my friend." Rose answered. She ended up calling. I made sure both my parents were asleep and answered.

"Hey." I whispered. "I promise Aspen nor I edited that picture." she said. "Thank you." I responded. The clock had just hit 2 am. I were nowhere near tired.
I stood up from my bed and turned on the heater. I just realized I had been freezing the entire time.

I could feel the heat flowing towards my bed.
"Rose, you still there?" I whispered.

I could hear a groan coming from my phone. "Are you asleep?" I asked again still whispering. I concluded with her falling asleep and ended the call.

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