love pentagon part -13

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Tzuyu's pov

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Tzuyu's pov

I was about to sit with jungkook but jungkook made lisa sit with him so I got no choice so sat with bambam



Bambam-you like jungkook right do u know

Bambam-isn't it so obvious


Bambam-and i think u know that he like Lisa

Tzuyu-what really I thought that only lis.....*I stopped because of I knows that he like Lisa too and if I told him he will leave and that's not what I want*

Bambam-what ?.....

Tzuyu-uhh nothing you like her too right

Bambam-uhm yes but i am going to give up

Oh no



Tzuyu-I mean don't give up maybe she also like you


Tzuyu-i am not confirm but don't give up

Bambam-really ok then*I liked how she is telling me not to give up she is not that bad*

My eyes went to lisa and jungkook they were sleeping very peacefully I was jealous but I knows that jungkook like her but still I am not gonna give up

After their flight

After their flight

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At Lisa's home

I was really tired after like sitting for so much time my mom came to me and told me.....

Lisa's mom-lisa we have to go to your relatives in this Sunday

Lisa-what which one relative and there's still so much time it's only Monday tomorrow

Lisa's mom-you met them only when you were small you don't know them now I guess


Lisa's mom left

Love pentagon || Completed ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora