Chapter 23

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Shivan was sitting in the ambulance with the head of his sleeping wife resting on his shoulder. They were taking the dead bodies home.

Ratneshwari had regained her senses 1 hour after fainting. The doctor said to Shivan,"This incident has left a deep scar on her mind. She will come out of the trauma but it will take time. You need to take care of her." Ratneshwari was sitting in the ambulance with Shivan when she fell asleep due to the effect of the medicines.

Shivan held her carefully and without waking her up, placed her head on his lap. He stared at her pale face for sometime and then, caressed her head.

(Madurai, at Ratneshwari's house)

Ratneshwari was sitting in the corner of the hall. The neighbours had came to pay their respects to the dead. Some others were playing the customary music that is to be played when a person dies.

 Some others were playing the customary music that is to be played when a person dies

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Ratneshwari's mother was the only child of her maternal grandparents. Her father had a younger brother but he had died of malaria before he could get married. So, Ratneshwari had no close relatives on either side.

Shivan performed the last rites of his in-laws. He came back to see Ratneshwari sitting in the same place. He did not say anything to her. He placed his hand on her head. She did not make any move. He took her to the bedroom and made her lie on the bed. He looked at her face. Her eye lids were swollen and her face was wet with tears. He then looked at her dry lips. "She has not eaten anything. She must be hungry.", he thought. But then, he decided not to say anything to her. He said to himself,"She is not in the state to eat anything or listen to irritating words of sympathy." Ratneshwari was looking at the ceiling and letting 'a little bit' of her grief escape through her eyes. Shivan laid down beside her. He continued to look at her face. He caressed her head. After sometime, Ratneshwari grew exhausted and fell asleep. When Shivan realised that she was in deep sleep, he got up and wiped her tears with his hand. Then, he kissed her forehead.

Shivan took a week's leave from work. His mother arrived at Ratneshwari's house which was no longer a home. She saw her son and said to him,"Where is Ratneshwari?" Shivan pointed his finger towards the bedroom. She went to the room and saw Ratneshwari sitting on the floor holding a T-shirt and crying. It was her brother's favourite T-shirt. She came back to her son and said to him,"Has she eaten anything?" Shivan shook his head in disapproval. His mother said,"I have brought some food. Take the tiffin box and keep it inside the kitchen. Go and eat some food. I will go and feed her something."

Shivan's mother brought a plate of food to Ratneshwari. She kept the plate on the study table. Then, she sat down beside her daughter-in-law and said to her,"Ratneshwari, stop crying dear. Don't cry. It was all God's will. Eat something." She wiped Ratneshwari's tears but she continued to cry. She fed her a few morsels of food but after that, Ratneshwari refused to eat more and started crying. Shivan's mother hugged her and cried. She said,"You are my daughter. Don't cry. Whatever happens, you will always be my daughter. Never ever think that you are an orphan. Don't cry dear, your Amma is with you."

Shivan had not eaten anything. He tried to do so. But, he was not able to swallow even a single morsel of food. He went to the bedroom and saw his wife and mother crying. He left the place and sat inside another room. His phone rang. It was his senior officer.

"Hello Sir"

"Hello Shivan. I heard about the death of your in-laws. I feel very sorry for you and your wife. How is your wife?"

"Her condition is not good."

"Take care of her. By the way, when will you return?"

"By next week."

"Ok then, take care"

(Call disconnected)

Shivan was sitting on a chair. Ratneshwari's face came in front of his eyes. It reminded him of his father's death. The same father who had so lovingly brought him up. And the same father, who had choosen Ratneshwari for him. He sighed. His phone rang again. This time, it was Sheetal. He did not feel like talking to anyone at that moment. So, he disconnected the call.

After sometime, a man arrived at the house. He said to Shivan,"I am Advocate Muthuswamy. I was a close friend of Elamaran. You must be his son-in-law." Shivan said,"Yes, I am his son-in-law." Muthuswamy nodded his head and said to him,"Please call Ratneshwari. I need to talk to her." Shivan went to call Ratneshwari.

Ratneshwari came out and saw Muthuswamy. He said to her,"My child, it is sad that I had to come here today. Your parents and your brother are no more. So, their properties will be transferred to your name. I just came here to give you the official documents." Ratneshwari took the documents. Muthuswamy said,"My child, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Now, allow me to take leave."

Ratneshwari kept the documemts in her suitcase. She was sitting near the window. She saw a child who was being carried by his father on his back. It reminded her of her father's words. The day before her wedding took place, she had seen her father crying. When she went near him, he had said to her,"When you will go away, there will be three people in this house. But still, it will feel empty." Now, Ratneshwari was in the house, but, there was no one else and the house was really empty.

This place had been the source of all the beautiful memories she had. It was her home. But now, it was just a house - a lifeless monument of bricks with no sign of life.

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