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It was a beautiful day in the land of Ninjago. The sun was shining high in the sky. The wind was blowing gently, and all of the leaves were dancing on their branches.

Everywhere you looked you could see wonderful colors of spring; warm greens, yellows, orangey reds, very peachy pinks, and every shade of light brown from tan to palest beige. On the ground, you were able to see blooming flowers, from small to big. The forest was booming with wildness. Animals were waking up from their sleep to start this new day.

There through all that wildness, on a tiny path between trees and bushes, was an elderly man walking.

The man had a long white beard that could almost reach below his knees. The man wore a tan coolie hat and a white kimono with grey edging and an orange, circular emblem on the back. In one hand he was holding a blue kettle filled to the rim with tea. In another hand, he was holding a bamboo staff.


While walking on the path for some time, the elder man went to a stop. The place he stopped at was the old ruins of a small temple. There were only a few things still standing. Four stone pillars and a few walls near the entrance, but in the middle of everything stood a stone statue. Compared to the rest of the place it looked new, like time hasn't affected it by any chance. But the older man knew the truth behind the statue, it was there from the beginning, and it was the reason why he was there this day.

When the men looked up at the sky. Noticing that the sun was already high, only about a few hours before sunset. If he wanted to have everything prepared for the ritual, then he had to start now if he were to be ready in time. After all, he needs to perform the ritual at the peak of the first star appears. Around two hours later everything was ready, and he was allowed to start.

He began setting himself in the circle of salt in front of the statue. The salt was used as a sort of protection, but it was an important factor non-less. From the circle, there were drawn lines going to each of the four pillars. In total, there are five scrolls used in this ritual as well. On each of the pillars, there were scrolls placed with different symbols on them. The fifth one was situated at the head of the statue. All he had to do now was to wait, he used his waiting time to meditate.

By the time when the elder man was done with his meditation, the first star in the night sky appeared. Getting up from his sitting position he grabbed his kettle that was filled with tea and started walking from pillar to pillar while pouring the liquid on the ground. After doing one round of walking around and pouring tea he headed towards the statute. When he got up at the base, he put his kettle above the stone head and started pouring the liquid and chanted. In the last verse that he spoke the statue's eyes lighted up just like four pillars around it. The man waited a bit before some markings appeared on the statue's face. With that, he knew that the first step was done. Now was the harder part, to hold the energy of the scrolls stable enough.


He will admit it was harder than he expected. The first minutes that went by were the hardest. It felt like his body was going to explode with the pressure it was put under. It was no easy task to be able to hold different energies at a level when all four of them were stable enough to continue the ritual. By the time he got hold of it, a sunrise started to appear in the sky.

It was a cracking sound that made him open his eyes. That's when he saw a big crack appear across the face of the stone statue. It went from the left ear down to the right side of the mouth. A smile made its way onto the elder man's face. That's when more cracks appeared, and pieces of broken stone started falling reviling the hidden inside.

The stone statue resembled a young man, in a man-bum and samurai wear with a calm expression painted on their face. The elder man waited, and as the last piece fell. It reviled an alive boy, with (h/c) hair tied in a messy man-bun and their samurai wear and gear. The boy opened his eyes reviling beautiful shiny (e/c) orbs.

The boy spoke calmly as his eyes landed on the elder below him.


Word count: 801

The Crystal Eyes | Ninjago X male reader | On HoldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang