25 |Into the Devil's Den|

Start from the beginning

"I'll start accepting your dedicated suggestions when you'll start walking by yourself, free of their shadows." He tilted his head, hoping to finally see the borders of Noor Lake, blandly ignoring the stare of their assigned messenger.

"Bold of you to say that - especially if taking into consideration the last six years," Rosalynde shot an inquisitive gaze at that statement, shoulders tensing under the thick layers she'd used to conceal her wounded form.

It'd started stinging, her thigh pulsating from time to time, reminding her of the time running out.

A hand slid on her back, Katherine's voice a delightful whisper to her ears.

"Change footing, apply less pressure, even if it means breaking your stance. We can't risk you dropping on one knee in front of the Seekers," Rosalynde didn't turn around to thank her comrade, a subtle nod was the only reply she let out, the tension dissipating from her back only after Katherine's hand broke contact with her.

She had to adapt to the new circumstances, she had to - like she always did.

First adjust her line of thoughts, and then take advantage of the situation. She had to study things well before taking the first step forward.

Crushing a tuft of grass under the sole of her heavy boots, Rosalynde took small calculated steps forward, hiding her limping thigh as she advanced cautiously towards Grey and Madame Hellenia.

She stopped only when towering over the proud messenger, lowering her gaze to make them meet smiles.

"I was wondering if the gift I'd left you at our last meeting had gone lost. Seems like it has." She narrowed her eyes, the corner of her lips dangerously tugging upwards.

And there it was, the subtle thread of memories related to the explosion of a few months ago. She could see it in her eyes, like a spark of light emerging from a deep azure lake.

"Now. As much as I would love to remind you of that amusing night. It isn't very respectful of the host to leave its guests standing outside, engaging with trivial chatter right Madame? Especially before what seems to be a frightening snowstorm."

She forced her smile into something sweeter, more appealing to the mind, clasping her gloved hands together to make sure the message got received.

There was a fragment of truth hidden in between her words. The clouds swayed by the upper winds were perilously rushing towards the Rowlian capital, dark and heavy with freezing rain.

A ripple of once silenced thoughts surged forwards. And neither Grey nor Rosalynde needed to know who were the parties involved behind the small disharmony.

Katherine would have moved against Cleia if Hellenia wouldn't have answered soon.

"But of course, the Seekers are anxiously waiting for you two to come before them." She took off, swiftly ducking under Rosalynde's arm to avoid any form of repercussions from the IV Apostle.

Hellenia didn't even look back to make sure she still was being followed. And led them deeper inside the border between District Street and the Barracks.


The red bricks of district street seemed to be some sort of guide for the party. The sound of the boots breaking the waterline of a dormant mirror of water the only noise providing them comfort while advancing in that desolated moor of elder battles fought centuries ago.

They seemed to be far from District Street, the deafening silence an unsettling presage of what they were going to soon be drowned in.

Broken stalls once vending all kinds of goods. Crocks of plates, shards of glass, hidden between the dirty road and the mossy green mold spearing along the walls and ground.

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