Start from the beginning

Been lazing around all day doing absolutely nothing. I did text Mkhuleko just to keep his eyes open that I will be going home tomorrow. He agreed for me to take a taxi but will fetch me later on. You know when I come to think of it. In this relationship I have always been made a priority in whatever case there might be. 
He's not an emotional vault with a padded lock you have to try to get into. He actually shares his feelings with me and doesn't yell at me to get away when I try to help him with things. What a cool concept. He doesn't make me wonder whether or not he thinks I am pretty like it's part of a trivia game. Because he tells me all the freaking time in a variety of ways and even when he doesn't straight-up tell me. I feel gorgeous around him in general because he's affectionate and not playing some weird game of ‘guess whether or not I like you.’  I could go on if I had to, but I need my beaty sleep to travel for the day tomorrow. 




When I said it would take the first taxi home I was not lying. It’s almost seven am and I am already halfway through the journey. As I approach, I feel my heart skipping a beat. I hate this feeling. Feeling of anxiety. I take a deep breath. I feel myself sweating. I open the window and let some fresh air pass by letting it hit my face. So, refreshing and calming. 
“Enjoying the wind?” asks the lady sitting next to me. 
“Ow yes. I just needed it.” I respond. One thing Mkhuleko has advised me on is that I shall never befriend a stranger. A stranger is always an enemy in our eyes. You might never know when one has been following you around and wants to strike. I side eye the lady and she is looking at me. I’m sure she’s just looking at me for the sake of looking. But you might never know. 
“You look so much like someone I know.” 
“Like whom?” I ask. 
“There is this woman from back home that was...” Suddenly we are surrounded by two black cars. The driver is being told to pull over. I feel my heart beating right in-between my rib cage. I say a silent prayer. Two men get out of the black car with tinted windows. Open the door to the quantum that we are in. The guns in their hands. I remember how Mkhuleko advised me to stay calm in situations like these. The gun is pointed directly at me. I lift my hands up in surrender. He told me that tears show weakness towards your enemy.
“Follow us.” 
With my weak knees get off the taxi and take a deep breath. I follow without disputing anything. I can hear mumbles from within and no one is doing anything. I am being pushed at the back of the car roughly. I find a goofy man seating behind wearing black glasses. Everything about him screams danger. 
“Where is your man?” He asks. 
“My man?” I ask back. He takes off his glasses, and I see a huge scare on his upper eyelid. I swallow hard and the saliva goes down the wrong pipe. I begin to cough. The man offers water and I decline. What if the water is drugged or something. 
“Your boyfriend has something valuable that belongs to me. It’s either he brings back what belongs to us, or he hands you over to us.”
I want to scream my lungs out. But the braveness in me. 
“And what is that?” 
He laughs and tells one of the men to help me out. “I see. He has been training you pretty well. Keep the good work up.” He continues to laugh. I get out of the car with my heart drumming abnormally against my chest. Great, now I am in the middle of nowhere early in the morning. The stupid taxi did not even wait to see if I am bringing kidnapped or not. I left my other phone at home. If I knew that this would be an upside-down journey, I would have stayed behind and spent my entire day with Banana. A lump formed in my throat. If having Mkhuleko around means bringing a lot of trouble – then I will resign from this relationship. I am not cut out for this life. 

I have been hiking for almost thirty minutes now and no car seems to be stopping. Finally, I see a familiar car stop by. I run towards it only to find out it’s these two. He gets out of the car and gives me a hug. 
“I am sorry that you had to witnessed that.” He says stepping back. Still shocked by what I had just gone through, I decided to just keep quiet and try processing everything. 
“Is this how my life will be in the future? Dodging bullets?” 
“No Toti. Can we get in that car so we could talk.” He pleads. If I were to die, I would rather die at home instead of dying in some ditch where my body will be found. He opens the door for me and helps me in. I sit in the back seat, and he joins me shortly. Manqoba joins the road. 
“I'm tired Mkhuleko. Honestly, I am tired.” 
“How can you get tired when it hasn’t begun?” Manqoba asks with his big mouth. I look at him through the rear mirror. Our eyes meet. The smirk on his face annoys the shit out of me. I decided to keep my mouth shut and look outside the window. I lean my head against the window, but Mkhuluko grabs me and makes me lean on him. How can I not get mad for so long? I sigh and just let him hold me. After some time, I see the car park Infront of my home. I didn't notice that we had arrived. So many cars. 
“Kunomucombi yin?” Mkhuleko asks letting go of me. 
“Not that I know of.” 
I step out of the car. I see my aunts' cars. My aunt is the meanest witches of them all. I hate my aunt with passion, and I don’t fail to show my hate towards her. Entering the yard, it feels like I am entering a strange home. 
“Okay.” I mumble to myself. Whatever is going on I am pretty sure it is associated with that man's business. I open that door and laughter is everywhere. I frown looking at everyone. Thabi is seated on the reed mat with Skhonsane next to her. 
MaNgcobo stands and rushes towards my side. 
“What are you doing here?” Is this what she will ask me after she has never seen me after a certain months in time. I scoff. 
“What is going on?” The laughter is no longer there. Thabi and Skhosane are no longer looking at me. I look at Ngcobo and he just blankly stares at me. Skhonsae’s parents are here too. I need to calm myself down. 
“Come outside. You are not supposed to be here.” She whispers in my ear. I am appalled by her own venom. 
“I am no longer welcome in my father's house?” I ask out of shock. 
“Yes. I mean no. The thing is you came at a wrong time.” 
“The first answer is always the correct one. I will take it and thank you so much. I just came here to take what is mine and leave you in peace.”  I say walking past her. Maybe if I was still the old naïve Khanyi they would have blinded me. This is the new me and I know exactly what is going on. I take my huge luggage and shove each and every item of clothing. I sat on the bed and let a few tears fall. Not because of Skhosane. Because of the betrayal my sister has caused me. This is awful! All the men in the world and she is dating my ex. That means she could go after Mkhuleko without thinking twice. I feel disgusted by her. Just to even think that I thought she wished me well. 
Now I want to know how long this has been going on. I try wheeling my luggage but it’s just too heavy for me. I have packed each shit of mine. They will no longer see me ever again. I sent a text to Manqoba to come help me through. Without waste he is in the house shouting my name. I appear by the passage. He makes his way up the stairs towards me. 
“Are you oaky?” He ask. I shake my head no. 
“I just want to be out of here. Please help me this this.”
He asks no more questions and helps me. I looked in my bedroom one last time and followed him shortly. I stand in front of Skhosane and Thabi. 
“For how long this has been going on?” 
“Khanyi please. Can we talk outside.” Thabi pleads. 
“I want to talk now and here so that I get to leave you guys in peace. Skhosane?” 
He looks down in shame and fiddles with his fingers. 
“I will be honest. I have known it since I was in high school. I approached you fully knowing that I was meant to be married to your sister. I fell for you, and I still love you. Believe me Khanyi – I still do love you.” 
I chuck in disbelief. 
“Shouldn't you be saving that I love you poem to your wife right here. I am just shocked as to how you never took the initiative to tell me. Yazi I would have understood and gave you, my blessings. But you guys went behind my back and made me a fool. This is how I got to find out. I am not mad at you guys. I am just disappointed in you Thabi.” 
“I’m sorry.” She can keep her fake tears for all I care. She showed me that she is never to be trusted. I look at the whole family. I believe this is the last time we will see each other. This woman’s sight I call mother really ticks me off the wrong way. Who does this to their child and later claims they have given birth to them. 
I look at Ngcobo and I see horror written all over his face. I look in the direction he is looking in and I noticed that he is shaken by Mkhuleko’s presence. If I was in the right state of mind, I would have laughed my lungs out. 
“Babe. Usharp?” He asks, leaning against the door frame. 
“Yea. Just want to be out of here.” I say. I just walk out without bidding anyone a goodby. My heart feels heavy and sore. What if I was still in a relationship with Skhonane? What would have come over me?
“This won't help much, but just know people like her don't go far in life. I'm sorry she has no regard for your feelings. Your sister is toxic to you, you really should think about blocking her out of your life. This won't end here, unless you end it. Get her out if your life. And your ex, what a piece of shit.”
“I just can't write her off. She is my sister.” 
Slowly, it begins to sink in about life and the people whom I thought were close to me.  I knew he was never coming back, and my heart decided that it was the best time to heal. It appears I am dealing another blow just when I am almost halfway through with the process; My ex-boyfriend has moved on who now happens to be my brother-in-law.

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