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TW; blood and gore

The world's greatest hero stood as a pillar to society, their power and honor unmatched. A person of few words yet glowed as bright as the sun. The kind and gentle hero everyone knew declared dead and body never found. But this couldn't be further from the truth.. after much time to all's shock the porcelain masked hero appeared once again tattered and ragged. Everyone watched in awe as you and the villain fight one another, the hero felt the most visceral rage that boiled blood and made their vision red. The only thing that ran to their head was revenge and killing the villain. The one who took his memories away and brainwashed into killing thousands for all the time they were gone. They had suffered all their life and managed to climb back up only to be ripped apart again.

The ragged hero managed to tie the villain in a vice grip with their plasmic power and burned the flesh of the one who had done all of this for fun..

"Go ahead kill me I've already won, oh~ what happened to Mr Good Guy hero?." She chuckled and mocked teasingly.

"Don't you call me a hero!" They spat tightening their grip while continuing

"I've never once been a hero." they said darkly, images of a young teenage them hovering over dozens of butchered bloodied bodies with no shred of guilt.

The heros plastic energy continued to pull at the villain's legs and torso Mid air.

"I'm no better than you" They said simply with a cold empty tone. The villain's body being pulled in two different directions until the grotesque sounds of joints popping and muscles tearing filled the air until the villain was ripped into blood spattering everywhere. The body unceremoniously dropping to the ground in a grotesquely violent scene to every spectator's shock. the hero hunched over speckles of blood covering their body behind the cracked porcelain mask barely covering their wicked evil grin and hollow bloodthirsty eyes. The hero began to laugh hysterically. A guttural laugh that held a mix of emotions, it was the laugh of a completely and utterly broken Man anguished yet also of release of torturing one who tortured them beyond recognition. In this moment this great beloved hero was no more, this is the moment where they truly did die..

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