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This one is based on Hamilton!

Burr tried so hard to differentiate himself from Hamilton at the start, saying that Hamilton is an impulsive, arrogant, loud-mouth bother who jumps at every opportunity offered and he claims himself to be the polar opposite, calm and calculating, always waiting for the right moment. Yet in the end, they're both are one and the same, they both wanted to achieve great things, wanted to be remembered, wanted a legacy, wanted to make a safe world for their family to live in.

And in the end, both were painted in history as villains, Burr being remembered as Hamilton's murderer, and Hamilton as the man on the 10 dollar bill who cheated on his wife (not sure if this count, but to be fair, don't think anyone else really cared about the other founding fathers before Hamilton became a thing)

All their great achievements lost to history, all because of some stupid rivalry and stupid decisions made.

[WRITING/RP IDEAS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora