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Everlasting love - Fifth Harmony
Too little too late - Jojo
One step at a time - Jordin Sparks
(It's in your decision if you wanna listen to it or pick your own song :) )

Sierra's POV,
Today is the first day i'm going to my new school,I don't know what will happen today,I just hope today is a great day.

I got ready early,not because i'm excited it's because i'm scared to be late at my newly school,I took my bag and head downstairs,i sat at the dinning's chair and eat the eat and bacon my cook for me and my brother.

I finished my food and stand up front my sit.
"Bye mom"i said hugging my mom.
"Bye sweetie have a great day!"She said smiling,i nodded.

I walk into the bus stop and wait for the bus.
After a seconds later a big yellow bus parked infront of me.
I weakly came in the bus and people is starting at me.
While i was walking some girls started talking about me.

"Who's this new fat ass?"The girl with curly,orange hair.
"I don't know Maybe she's Jordanna's twin hoe"the other with orange,straight hair said.
And everyone inside the bus laughs.

I just sat in the back row and ignore them.
The bus drove away and stop again and i sigh.
A passenger came in,she's just like me.
And the two girls started bullying again,but to her this time.
Maybe she's Jordanna girl these girls talking about.
She fight a bit and then sat on the chair.

We arrived at the school and ask for my schedules.

---After a minute---
Well,i think today will be a great day,i meet a girl named Chanel,Se seem nice.

well the bell rang and so i got into my first class.

i entered the class and all the students are starring at me. weird.

"oh Here you go,Class i want you to meet our new student Sierra"She said and sign for me to tell about myself.

"u-ugh...H-hi..I'm Sierra James and i-"Someone cutted me off.

"you mean James? like Tyler james the model?"The two girls said or shall i call the mean girls who insults me on the bus.

i nodded looking down.

"Well i didn't know he has a fatty ass ugly nerd sister"The curly one said.everyone laughs.

"That's enough!"our prof said.
"Sierra you can sit down"She said and i sat down at the last row.

So guys this is Chapter number 2💖 we hoped u liked it.
Vote and follow. 💖💞 Luv yah
(Authors;Arabell and Anne Guison)

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