23. And it's not worth saving

Start from the beginning

As far as he had worked out, Oli should have been fine. Jordan had said that Oli had drunk a vial of synth and topped up with a real feed later on, so that should have kept him going. He grabbed his spell book and slung it in his rucksack, desperately hoping he and Jordan would be able to find something between them to help Oli. He heard the squeal of tyres outside so he raced out to the car, slinging his equipment into the backseat next to the cool bag and clambering into the passenger seat. Jordan raced off as Vegan had barely closed the door, but they were across the other side of the country to where Oli was staying with Mia.

The two of them travelled in relative silence, occasionally bringing up what they thought might be wrong with Oli, but both coming up empty. Jordan pulled into a hazy clearing in some woods just outside of their town. They grabbed their bags from the back and Vegan muttered an incantation under his breath, hiding the car from sight.

Jordan looked pointedly at Vegan and nodded, turning to face forwards once more as a circular haze appeared in front of them, almost like a mirror filled with water. They peered into the haze as it cleared, revealing a clear image of what they assumed must have been Mia's house and they stepped through it.

Vegan turned briefly motioning his hand towards the haze and it disintegrated without a trace. The two of them glanced around quickly, the dark streets only illuminated by a few streetlights, but they saw no people around.

They walked silently up to the door of Mia's house, trying the door handle first, but it was locked. Vegan mumbled something quickly, before the door slid open with a creak.

The house was eerily quiet. Jordan and Vegan shot each other a confused look, flicking the lights on as they went.

"Oli?" Jordan called out. "Mia?"

More silence.

"Where the fuck are they?" Jordan mused.

"Oli has to be here at least. I've never had a simple location spell fail on me yet." Vegan offered.

Jordan swallowed thickly as the worst scenarios played out in his head.

The two of them checked the kitchen, diner, and living room, before heading upstairs. They called Oli and Mia's names as they carried on, spotting a light on in one of the upstairs rooms. They crept towards it, calling out again as a gasping, breathless noise came from the room with the light on, breaking through the silence.

Jordan shoved the door open to reveal a small bathroom with a broken mirror above the sink. The two men sank onto the floor as they both spotted Oli's dishevelled body curled around the toilet, the ceramic cracked up one side, pink-tinged water trickling slowly from it.

"Fuck, Oli! Can you hear me?" Jordan dragged his limp form out into the hallway so they could get better access to do whatever they needed to do.

"Shit, I've never seen him like this before. I've never seen anyone like this before!" Vegan stated, checking Oli's vital signs. He shone a beam of light into his eyes, shaking his head. "There's too much blood in his eyes. I can't see a thing!"

Oli sputtered briefly and Jordan tried to get him to talk.

"Oli? Mate? What happened? Where's Mia?"

"Mia... gone... I..." Oli rasped out before losing consciousness again.

"Fuck!" Jordan yelled, groaning in frustration. "Can you stabilise him?"

Vegan raised his eyes to meet Jordan's.

"I don't know, man. I'll try..." he trailed off.

"FUCK!" Jordan cried out again before taking a deep breath. "Okay, get as much full strength synth into him as you can. I'll try and figure out where Mia is and what she knows."

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