New York, New York

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I had been in New York for a few days now and was loving it, I'd truly fell in love with the city. The weather was amazing and I was out from Sunrise to Sunset exploring, my Instagram feed was quickly becoming full of images of myself in New York. I was wandering around the area where the Flat Iron building was when my phone rang in my bag, I pull it out and it was Sal. I answer the phone as I walk.

"Hey Sal!"

"Hey El! You never told me you were in New York? We could hang out?"

"Yeah i've been here for a couple of days, I wasn't sure if we were still friends because we hadn't spoke in a while"

"I'm really sorry. I've been so busy filming the new series of Jokers and i've been doing some comedy shows myself, I have one tonight if you're free? We can hang out after the show?"

I agree to attend the show tonight in the comedy club to which Sal texts me the address and a link for my ticket. I grab some lunch and go back to the hotel to have a nap before going out later. I napped for around two hours, I lay in bed for a while scrolling through my phone before getting up and into the shower. Another hour had passed and i'd did my make up and dried my hair with a slight curl in it, I look through my case trying to find something to wear. I lay out a couple of dress options trying to decide before going with a baby pink sundress paired with white sandals and a white body bag.

Around 7pm is when I arrived at the Comedy Club, I show my ticket and go inside ordering a drink from the bar before taking my seat, it was small and intimate. I pull out my phone and text Sal - 'Got a drink and in my seat! Good luck, break a leg! Not literally! X'. The first comedian was a guy called Chris who was super funny and worked the crowd like a dream! He mentioned that Sal had met this girl in the UK whilst on tour and that he'd spoken about her near enough every day since coming back to the states. My mind starts to wonder, did he meet someone else? Maybe it was this Shan who tried to call. Why am I getting jealous? It's not like we were in a relationship, we slept together a few times then he left. I was going to leave when Sal came on stage and the whole crowd erupted with cheers and clapping, I put my things back on the seat next to me and decide to stay. As soon as I seen Sal my heart was beating a hundred miles per hour and butterflies filled my stomach. He scans the crowd and our eyes meet instantly he smiles at me before pulling his eyes away and continuing with his set.

After the show Sal does a meet and greet with fans in the green room, I get a couple more drinks from the bar whilst waiting on him to finish up, I grab a beer for him and security shows me backstage. I peek my head into the green room to see if Sal was finished which he was, he was speaking to the familiar face that i'd seen on the caller ID - Shan?

I walk into the room congratulating Sal placing the drinks on a nearby table, his face lights up as I approach him, he pulls me towards him and I wrap my arms around his neck and he burys his head into me holding me tight.

"I'll see myself out..." a voice speaks up behind Sal, I watch as the slim built female walks past us.

Wildest Dreams - Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now