review #33.S3: Scarlet Heart

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Chapter Two had me questioning what's wrong with some parents. To be real even though Dola sounds like a better person than some of the characters she doesn't seem mother material, and Sebastian is one of the worst fathers you could possibly have. I understand she has to work to make ends meet but why's she leaving her daughter at home alone? Dola sounds like she'd be the type to hire a babysitter. Back to Sebastian, it's weird she hadn't realized he was secretly visiting her daughter till it was convenient for him the day he was going to ask her for money. The last thing I questioned in this chapter was why did she run away and leave her daughter alone with Sebastian even after he threatened their daughter's life. I understand Sebastian's probably a scary dude but if she loves her daughter as much as she says she wouldn't have left like that.

I'm usually not one to be like "this is unnecessary" but the rape plotline in Chapter Four seemed totally avoidable. I understand some bosses are a little pervy but I'm sure Dola has come to her boss for paychecks before so why'd he demand for sex this one specific time? If the plot was for her to drug her boss and then steal the money from the vault as done later on in the chapter, it wasn't explained very detailed enough beforehand that it was her intention. All while I was reading the chapter I kept thinking she put herself into an avoidable scenario, especially since she seems to indoctrinate the "stripper but heart of gold" trope.

After rereading a few times I finally pieced together how Ace and Dola crossed paths. It was confusing at first but I think I figured it out. There are two options. She somehow got her daughter and while she was in the parking lot of Club-Sixty-Nine hid in someone's car randomly and then Ace stole the car. Or she lives in the same motel that Natasha was killed at and collected her daughter and hid in a car resulting in Ace stealing it.

I understand Ace's mom probably knows about his job and what he does but I don't get what's the point of him going to her home for "help" when we never see him ask for it other than to watch Dola's kid eventually. Felt redundant.

I loved the "Warnecki men protect the innocent and not the other way around." I hope that's elaborated on in the future. It gives Roland from The Dark Tower.

I'm going to be for real. I don't see why Dola offered up herself to pretend to be Natasha. It didn't add up for me. I think maybe if Ace used her and threatened to kill her daughter in the meantime it would make sense, but other than that I think realistically she would try to lay low unless she's just money hungry so that's why she wanted to do it.

In chapter six it says Dola is wearing a blonde wig to pretend to be Natasha. You can absolutely pull a wig off so I think that Dola should've dyed her hair to be safe.

Also, I'm not upset about Cian trying to marry "Natasha" a few hours after they've met but the wedding shootout was a little weird. Because if the Italian Mafia can track her down so easily why can't her dad who's literally a Bratva leader? I also don't understand how Sebastian found Dola either after the wedding shootout.

The introduction of Ace's brother Aries is so abrupt I honestly didn't digest the concept of him til I reread it. I like the idea of rival brothers on different sides of the law. Sounds like it'll be interesting. My last thought about the plot is why did Cian want to get married to Natasha so bad but not keep her by his side and is letting Ace multitask. He's keeping Dola and keeping the feds off Cian's tail. Cian's asking for a lot from one person, but he's a mafia boss with a lot of men working for him.


Review: Cian Kavanagh is an interesting man. He pulls off the role of "arrogant boss who gets people to do the dirty work for him and claims all the credit" very well. I don't understand why he wanted to marry Natasha Volkov so badly because I'm sure a forceful marriage wouldn't save him from the Bratva if Natasha's dad is really passionate for her. Next, Ace is Cian's most trusted man apparently but he'll kill him over Natasha dying in a way he had no control over?

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